
Create array with all the permutations of another array of natural numbers with PHP

我创建了一个数组$my_array = range(1,3),我想创建一个数组,包含这个数组的所有排列(1,2,3,3,2,2,1,3…)。


来自Christer's blog的代码:

function permute($str) {
    /* If we only have a single character, return it */
    if (strlen($str) < 2) {
        return array($str);
    /* Initialize the return value */
    $permutations = array();
    /* Copy the string except for the first character */
    $tail = substr($str, 1);
    /* Loop through the permutations of the substring created above */
    foreach (permute($tail) as $permutation) {
        /* Get the length of the current permutation */
        $length = strlen($permutation);
        /* Loop through the permutation and insert the first character of the original
        string between the two parts and store it in the result array */
        for ($i = 0; $i <= $length; $i++) {
            $permutations[] = substr($permutation, 0, $i) . $str[0] . substr($permutation, $i);
    /* Return the result */
    return $permutations;
$array_of_natural_numbers = range(1, 5);
$string_of_natural_numbers = implode("",$array_of_natural_numbers);
$permutations = permute($string_of_natural_numbers);