
Moving to the next row of a search array during a loop, but breaking when a column changes


 JobId  |        email        |  FName  |  LName  |  apply
   1    |   email1@gmail.com  |   Joe   |  Smith  |   1
   1    |   email1@gmail.com  |   Kim   | Joseph  |   1
   1    |   email1@gmail.com  |  Chris  |   Bell  |   1
   2    |   email2@gmail.com  |   Ben   |   Ken   |   0
   2    |   email2@gmail.com  |   Sam   |  Socks  |   1
   3    |   email3@gmail.com  |   Tom   |  Allen  |   0

根据上面的表格,我想要做的是能够向email1@gmail.com发送一封包含Joe, Kim和Chris名字的电子邮件。然后向下迭代,向email2@gmail.com发送第二封电子邮件,消息中包含Ben和Sam的名字,然后向email3@gmail.com发送第三封电子邮件,消息正文中包含Tom的名字。


while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
    echo 'Applicants: <br />';
        $JobId = $row['JobId'];
    echo $row['FName'] . ' ' . $row['LNname'] . '<br />';
    while (mysqli_fetch_array($result)['JobId'] == $JobId){
        echo $row['FName'] . ' ' . $row['LName'] . '<br />';
    echo 'email address: ' . $row['email'] . '<br /><br />';





$JobId = 0;
echo 'Applicants: <br />';
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
    if ($row['JobId'] == $JobId) {
        // Nothing changed so save the email & carry on printing out names.
        $email = $row['email'];
        echo $row['FName'] . ' ' . $row['LNname'] . '<br />';
    } else {
        // We have a new JobId, so send the email, set the JobId marker,
        // and print the "Applicants" header again.
        echo 'Sending email to '.$email;
        $JobId = $row['JobId'];
        echo 'Applicants: <br />';


// build array
$email_array = array();
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
    $email_array[$row['email']][] = $row;
// loop array
foreach($email_array as $email => $row) {
    // $email contains the target email address
    // $row contains array holding JobId, FName, Lname, apply
    // build your email here with some logic
    // send your email to $email
    // iterate loop to get to next email address


$first = 1;
echo 'Applicants: <br />';
//start while loop to go through data
    while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)){
      if($first == 1){                
        $email = $row['email'];   //set the email address
        echo $row['FName'] . ' ' . $row['LName'] . '<br />';        //output the name
        $JobId = $row['JobIid'];     //set the JobId to the current row's job id
        $first = 0;                 //change the first row so that we don't go through this initial if
      else if ($row['JobId'] == $JobId) {
        $email = $row['email'];
        echo $row['FName'] . ' ' . $row['LName'] . '<br />';
      else {
        //We have a new JobId, so send the email, set the JobId marker,
        // and print the applicants header again as well as the name of the next applicant from the current row
        echo 'Sending email to ' . $email . '<br /><br />';
        $JobId = $row['JobId'];
        echo 'Applicants: <br />';
        echo $row['FName'] . ' ' . $row['LName'] . '<br />';
echo 'Sending email to ' . $email . '<br /><br />';
