
How to set up a minimal and generic cache system in Phalcon


//Create an Output frontend. Cache the files for 2 days
$frontCache = new Phalcon'Cache'Frontend'Output(array(
    "lifetime" => 172800
// Set the cache file directory 
$cache = new Phalcon'Cache'Backend'File($frontCache, array(
    "cacheDir" => "../app/cache/"
// Get/Set the cache file to ../app/cache/my-cache.html
$content = $cache->start("my-cache.html");
// If $content is null then the content will be generated for the cache
if ($content === null) {
    // Generate the page and store the output into the cache file
    // [... your elements and tags here ... ]
} else {
    // Echo the cached output
    echo $content;

代码片段是可以的,但是我如何将它包含在控制器中,以便我可以缓存页面,即由视图组件生成的html ?另外,我可以避免在$cache->start("my-cache.html");中指定文件名,让Phalcon自动猜测正确的名称吗?


http://docs.phalconphp.com/en/latest/reference/volt.html caching-view-fragments


{% cache ("article-" ~ post.id) 3600 %}
    <h1>{{ post.title }}</h1>
    <p>{{ post.content }}</p>
{% endcache %}


{# cache the sidebar by 1 hour #}
{% cache "sidebar" 3600 %}
    <!-- generate this content is slow so we are going to cache it -->
{% endcache %}