
Can someone help me debug this error: Undefined offset: 0?


public function get_quantity($tickets_info){
    $i = 0; //$i is the starting point of the loop
    $k = 0;
    $Qty = 1; // this is used to save the quantity of tickets, by default there is always one ticket
    $index = array();
    $quantity = array();
    for($j = 1; $j < count($tickets_info); $j++) {
//            if the ticket_id are the same, then increase the quantity by one
        if($tickets_info[$i]['ticket_id'] == $tickets_info[$j]['ticket_id'])
//            if the ticket_id are not the same, then push the quantity into an array and remember the index
            $idx = $j;//remember the index of the next first different ticket_id
            $i = $j;//find the next starting point
            $index[$k] = $idx;//push back the index of the next different ticket_id
            $quantity[$k] = $Qty;//save quantity into the array
            $k++;//increase the index poniter
            $Qty = 1;//reset quantity back to one
//        push the last quantity into the array
    $quantity[$k+1] = $Qty;
    //assign the ticket information into a new array
    for($m = 0; $m < count($quantity); $m++){
        $ticket[$m] = $tickets_info[$m]; 
    //create the finally array, combine ticket information with quantity
    $n = 0;
    foreach($ticket as $row)
        $row['Qty'] = $quantity[$n++];
    return $ticket;


        [ticket_id] => 0001
        [purchase_time] => 2014/01/02
        [ticket_id] => 0001
        [purchase_time] => 2014/01/02
        [ticket_id] => 0001
        [purchase_time] => 2014/01/02



For line, $ticket[$m] = $tickets_info[$m]; Message: Undefined offset: 0

For line, $row['Qty'] = $quantity[$n++]; Message: Undefined offset: 0



if (!empty($ticket) && !empty($tickets_info)) {
    $ticket[$m] = $tickets_info[$m];