Wordpress WP_Query category__in with order

Wordpress WP_Query category__in with order


$args = array('category__in' => array(8,3,12,7));
$posts = new WP_Query($args);

但我需要的帖子显示在那个特定的顺序(猫id 8第一,然后3,等),我不能让它正常工作,根据ASC或DESC名称显示的帖子。


您可以按post__in排序以使用输入值的顺序,但对于category__in,这是一个多对多的关系,因此使用它排序相当困难,并且据我所知不支持。还需要注意的是,WP_Query() 返回一个post数组。


// function used by usort() to sort your array of posts
function sort_posts_by_categories( $a, $b ){
    // $a and $b are post object elements from your array of posts
    $a_cats = get_categories( $a->ID );
    $b_cats = get_categories( $b->ID );
    // determine how you want to compare these two arrays of categories...
    // perhaps if the categories are the same you want to follow it by title, etc
    // return -1 if you want $a before $b
    // return 1 if you want $b before $a
    // return 0 if they are equal
// get an array of post objects in the 'category' IDs provided
$posts = get_posts( array( 'category' => '8,3,12,7' ) );
// sort $posts using your custom function which compares the categories. 
usort( $posts, 'sort_posts_by_categories' );
