
Get constant overridden from child in method declared within an abstract class


abstract class MyModel
    const DBID = "";
    const TOKEN = "";
    public function getDB()
            $c = get_called_class(); // doesn't work pre php 5.3
            echo $c::DBID; // doesn't work pre php 5.3
            echo $c::TOKEN // doesn't work pre php 5.3
        return $this->_qb;

问题是get_called_class()和$c::DBID/TOKEN不工作在php <5.3




abstract class MyModel
    private $dbId;
    private $token;
    public function setDbId($dbId)
        $this->dbId = $dbId;
    public function setToken($token)
        $this->token = $token;
    public function getDbId()
        return $this->dbId;
    public function getToken()
        return $this->token;
    public function __construct()
        // All child classes will have the same values
    protected function getDb()
        echo $this->getDbId();
        echo $this->getToken();
class MyChildModel extends MyModel
    // Don't need any methods, just access to abstract parent
    // But if I wanted to override my parent I could do this
    public function __construct()
$myChildModel = new MyChildModel();

我在PHP 5.2代码库中有一个解决方案,使用反射从超类中获取子类的常量,但我不建议这样做,除非绝对必要,因为反射在PHP中是一个相对昂贵的性能工具。

PHP 5.3在static::CONST中引入了static关键字来访问类的静态成员,而不是self::CONST。我从来没有真正尝试过,但我相信它应该能够做你需要的。在PHP手册中查阅晚期静态绑定。


class SomeClass
     * Get reflection class for item
     * Get a reflector for this item so that internal constants can be used for the permission checking
     * functions.  This is necessary because of how static binding works prior to PHP 5.3.  
     * @return ReflectionClass
    protected function getRef ()
        if (!$this -> ref)
            $this -> ref    = new ReflectionClass ($this);
        return ($this -> ref);
     * Check that the user has permission to create an item of the type this object represents
     * @todo Use late static binding instead of reflection once PHP 5.3 becomes available on the server
     * @return bool True if OK
    public function canCreate ()
        $ref    = $this -> getRef ();
        if ($flag = $ref -> getConstant ('USR_FLAG_CREATE'))
            return (self::$user -> permissions [$flag]);