使用循环的基本Songkick API XML解析

Basic Songkick API XML parse with loop

我正试图将Songkick API解析为艺术家即将到来的演出日期列表。从我所能找到的,下面的应该可以做到这一点。问题是,它不起作用。


$artist_id = "id";
$api_key = "API key";
$request_url    =    urlencode("http://api.songkick.com/api/3.0/artists/" . $artist_id . "/calendar.xml?apikey=" . $api_key);
$load_api           =    simplexml_load_file($request_url) or die("Songkick API error.");
foreach ($load_api->event as $shows) {
        $venue      =   $shows->venue["displayName"];
        $city       =   $shows->location["city"];
        $skdate =   $shows->start["date"];
                            $date = date("M d", strtotime($skdate));
        $artists    =   $shows->event->performance->artist["displayName"];
        echo $shows;
        echo $city;
        echo $date;
        echo $artists;


<event type="Concert" status="ok" displayName="Band with supporting acts" popularity="0.000495" uri="songkick address for this show" id="248">
        <metroArea displayName="SF Bay Area" uri="songkick address for this metro area" id="26330">
            <state displayName="CA"/>
            <country displayName="US"/>
    <start time="21:30:00" datetime="2013-05-31T21:30:00-0800" date="2013-05-31"/>
    <location lat="37.7650545" lng="-122.3963593" city="San Francisco, CA, US"/>
    <performance billingIndex="1" displayName="headliner" billing="headline" id="31239239">
        <artist displayName="Band Name" uri="uri for headling band" id="4114066"/>
    <performance billingIndex="2" displayName="Opener 1" billing="support" id="31239244">
        <artist displayName="Opener 1" uri="Opener 1 uri to songkick band page" id="4852118"/>
    <performance billingIndex="3" displayName="Opener 2" billing="support" id="31239249">
        <artist displayName="Opener 2" uri="Opener 2 uri to songkick band page" id="3527036"/>



    $artist_id  =   "*songkick artist id*";
    $api_key    =   "*api key*";
    $perm_link  =   "http://www.songkick.com/artists/$artist_id";
    $request_url    =   "http://api.songkick.com/api/3.0/artists/" . $artist_id . "/calendar.xml?apikey=" . $api_key;
    $xml            =   simplexml_load_file($request_url) or die("Songkick API error.  Click <a href='"" . $perm_link . "'" target='"_blank'">Click here for show dates</a>."); // load file, or if error, print direct link to songkick page
    foreach ($xml->results->event as $event) {
        $skdate     =   $event->start["date"];
            $date   =   date("M d", strtotime($skdate));
        $venue      =   $event->venue["displayName"];
        $city       =   $event->location["city"];
        $artists    =   $event->xpath("./performance/artist/@displayName");
        echo $venue, $city, $date . ":<br />" . implode(', ',$artists) . "<br />";


  1. 上面的XML是无效的--> http://www.xmlvalidation.com
  2. 通过使用var_dump($load_api);确保$load_api包含您认为的功能
  3. 确保PHP的错误报告处于最佳水平,搜索SO查看如何做到这一点。
  4. 您的XML有多个<artist>节点,因此$artists必须设置不同。
  5. 你的echo $shows,这是回显-什么都没有,因为它有子,但没有值。

    $xml = simplexml_load_string($x); // assume **valid** XML in $x
    foreach ($xml->event as $shows) {
        $venue = $shows->venue["displayName"];
        $city  = $shows->location["city"];
        $date = date("M d", strtotime($shows->start["date"]));
        $artists = $shows->xpath("//artist/@displayName"); // returns array!
        echo "$city $date: " . implode(', ',$artists) . "<br />";
