
I am trying to use substr to extract the part of the array element value with a if-else statement


$employee_numbers = array( "Sam Jerry"=>"1849", "David Flint"=>"2274", "Lena Vincent"=>"2532", Robert Vanny"=>"3471" );



山姆杰瑞的员工编号是: 1849 ——比;管理


$employee_numbers = array( "Sam Jerry"=>"1849", "David Flint"=>"2274", "Lena Vincent"=>"2532", "Robert Vanny"=>"3471" );
foreach($employee_numbers as $employee => $number){
   echo $employee . " employee number is: " .$number . PHP_EOL; //Don't know where the management info is

@Marcos是正确的,如果你显示该数组的所有成员。如果你特别想要Sam ,你可以在你的迭代器中抛出一个If子句,或者使用像这样的方法,它可以通过正则表达式直接访问。

无论哪种方式,这里的substr都不是您想要的。这是用来提取部分字符串的:比如从"Sam Jerry"中得到"am Jerry"。


您的用法可能是$result = grep_array('/Sam Jerry/', $employee_numbers);

 * Searches an array for keys that match a rex pattern, and returns those as a new array.
 * example:
 * all global email accounts are stored in the config under the keys
 * 'site.email.$accountid.name', and have a matching 'site.email.$accountid.address'
 * to get an array of [$accountid] => (email, name) :
 *   $grepNames = preg_grep_keys("/site'.email'..*'.name/", $config); will return all the name nodes.
 * walk $grepNames, exploding the keys and pulling [2], which is the $accountid.
 *   preg_grep_keys("/site'.email'.($accountId)'.address/", $config); will match the address node for that accountId
 * the first element of its return will contain the config node.
 * internally, it uses @see preg_grep() for searching.
 * I deprecated calls to get_site_config() in favor the single $config instance when Sarah put it in place
 * @param $pattern string rex pattern to mathch.
 * @param $input array the array to search. generally, this will be the global config.
 * @param int $flags @see preg_grep()
 * @return array elements that match the provided $pattern
function grep_array($pattern, $input = null, $flags = 0)
  global $config;
  if ($input === null) {
    $input = $config['fields'];
  return array_intersect_key(
      array_flip(preg_grep($pattern, array_keys($input), $flags))