如何在PHP print_links中替换|作为输入

How to replace | as input in PHP print_links

会员现在可以输入Google|http://www.google.com(输入)Bing|http://www.bing.com(输入等)在他的个人页面上获得漂亮的链接。输出是带有链接的列表:Google Bing…现在的问题是,并不是每个人都知道如何按"|"。因此,不知道是否有人知道如何使用for ex。":::"或者一些简单的东西。或者只是从http中检索链接名称…代码看起来像这样:

// Split input string into name and url. If input is a plain link, then
// name == url. Returns link(name, url) object.
function split_link($input)
     static $patterns = array
  "@(.*?)'|(.*)@",  // name|url
 "@https?://.*'?.*title=(.*)(&.*)*@",   // url&title=name
  "@https?://.*?/(.*)@",  // name from server path
  "@(.*)@"   // catch all
foreach($patterns as $key => $pattern) {
  $match = array();
  if(preg_match($pattern, $input, $match)) {
 // print_r($match);/* uncomment for debug */
if($key == 0) {
$match['url']  = $match[2];
 $match['name'] = $match[1];
  } elseif($key == 3) {
  $match['url']  = $match[1];
  $match['name'] = $match[1];
  } else {
 $words = explode("|", strtr($match[1], "/-_", "|||"));
 $match['url']  = $match[0];
 $match['name'] = implode(" ", $words);
  // printf("pattern %d matched %s'n", $key, $input);
   // printf("name: '%s', url: '%s''n", $match['name'], $match['url']);
return (object)$match;
function print_links(&$arr, $max, $split)
  printf("<ul class='"flo-l-r'">'n");
  foreach($arr as $index => $link) {
 if($index >= $max) {
 if($index % $split == 0 && $index != 0) {
 printf("<ul class='"flo-l-r'">'n");
 $link = split_link($link);
 printf("  <li><a rel='nofollow' target='_blank' href='"%s'">%s</a></li>'n", $link->url, $link->name);
$arr = explode("'r'n", (string)$data);
print_links($arr, 80, 4);



define ('DELIM', ':::');
$test_data = array(
    'name1' . DELIM . 'http://www.example1.com', 'name2' . DELIM .'http://www.example2.com',
    'http://www.example3.com?lang=en&title=title3', 'http://www.example4.com');
 * Extract url and name from input string and return them in an object.
 * @param string $input
 * @return object
function split_link2($input) {
    $first_char = substr(DELIM, 0, 1);
    $subpattern = '[^' . $first_char . ''n]++';
    if (strlen(DELIM)>1) {
        $rest = substr(DELIM, 1);
        $subpattern = '(?>' . $subpattern . '|' . $first_char . '(?!' . $rest .'))+';
    $pattern = '~^(?J)(?>(?<name>' . $subpattern . ')' . DELIM
             . ')?(?<url>https?+:'/'/.+?)(?>&title=(?<name>[^'n]++))?$~';
    if (preg_match($pattern, $input, $match)) {
        if ($match['name'] == '') $match['name'] = $match['url'];
        return (object)array('url'=>$match['url'], 'name'=>$match['name']);
 * Display links from an array into an unordered list
 * @param array $links
 * @param integer $limit number of links displayed
 * @param integer $groupby number of items per group
 * @return void
function print_links2($links, $limit, $groupby) {
    echo '<ul class="flo-l-r">';
    $nb_display = min(count($links), $limit);
    for($i=0; $i<$nb_display; $i++) {
        if (!($i % $groupby) && $i) echo "'n</ul>'n" . '<ul class="flo-l-r">';
        $link = split_link2($links[$i]);
        echo "'n't<li>"
           . '<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href="'
           . $link->url . '">' . $link->name . '</a></li>';
    echo "'n</ul>'n";
print_links2($test_data, 40, 2);
