
Make pagination from SVN file log

我想从SVN文件日志中进行'分页'。例如,修改可以是50、45、40、35、30、25、20、15、10、5,我的页面是第一页,每页3项。所以我可以用svn log -r 50:1 -l 3 repo.url/file.ext取50,45和40转。但是我怎么能知道从什么修订采取下一个请求,例如第3页(必须是20,15,10)?svn log中没有skip n参数,所以不能调用svn log -r 50:1 -l 3 --skip (page*perPage)。有什么建议吗?



### These two variables are the only ones you need to customize
###     for your own environment/needs.
### Note that it may take some experimentation to determine the best
###     value for $LogPerPg; I have set '5' here to follow @denn's example.
# If you want the log for the entire repository, leave off the "/FolderPath"
#   (remember to remove that final slash too)
$SvnPath         = 'https://SvnPath/RepoName/FolderPath'
# Set the number of log entries to show per page
#   and initialize its variable as an integer
[int]$LogPerPg   = 5
# The '--show-item revision' parameter will retrieve the revision number of the HEAD
[int]$MaxRev     = $(svn info --show-item revision $SvnPath)
# Initialize these variables as integers
[int]$RevCount   = 0
[int]$RevUpper   = 0
[int]$RevLower   = 0
# Loop through from $MaxRev down to 1
for (
    # Set the max bound for the entire loop
    # Determine the condition that will cause the loop to stop
    $RevCount -gt 0
    # Perform an action after each loop is completed
    $RevCount = $RevCount - $LogPerPg
) {
    # Determine if this will be the final loop or not
    if ( $RevCount -ge $LogPerPg ) {
        # Note that this same formula inside the FOR condition is only applied
        #   AFTER the loop, so it is necessary to repeat it inside the loop to
        #   establish a lower bound
        $RevLower = $RevCount - $LogPerPg
    } else {
        $RevLower = 1
    # Set the upper revision for this loop
    $RevUpper = $RevCount
    # Run the log between established bounds
    & svn log -r"${RevUpper}:${RevLower}" $SvnPath
    # Note that this method **only** accepts the <Enter> key.
    Read-Host -Prompt "`n`nPress <Enter> to see the next $LogPerPg revisions"
    # Uncomment the next line if you would like the screen to clear between each iteration
    # Clear-Host
# Final note: I have demonstrated how to display the logs from 
#   HEAD back to 1. If you want to see from 1 up to HEAD, read on
#   A. replace the following lines: 
#        33:    $RevCount=1
#        35:        $RevCount -le $MaxRev
#        37:        $RevCount = $RevCount + $LogPerPg
#        41:    if ( $RevCount -ge ( $MaxRev - $LogPerPg ) ) {
#        45:        $RevLower = $RevCount + $LogPerPg
#        47:        $RevLower = $MaxRev
#        51:    $RevUpper = $RevCount
#   B. For reading-logic, you will also want to reverse all instances 
#   of $RevLower and $RevUpper throughout the entire script
