Laravel -我知道我的ViewModel,所以我可以通过控制器参数传递ViewModel

Laravel - I know my ViewModel, so can i pass that ViewModel through into the controller parameters?


class TimesheetViewModel
    public /* TimesheetTotals */ $TimesheetTotals;
    public /* TimesheetEntry[] */ $Timesheets = array();   
    public /* int */ $AmountOfTimesheetEntries = 1;
public /* void */ function GetCreate()
    $timesheetViewModel = new TimesheetViewModel();
    $timesheetViewModel->TimesheetTotals = $timesheetLogic->ColumnSum( $timesheetEntries );
    $timesheetViewModel->AmountOfTimesheetEntries = count( $timesheetEntries );
    $timesheetViewModel->Timesheets = $timesheetEntries;
    return View::make( 'Timesheet/Create', array( "Model" => $timesheetViewModel ) );


public /* void */ function PostCreate( TimesheetViewModel $timesheetViewModel )
    // This will help because I do not have to do Input::all
    // and then map it (Or not map it at all and stick with 
    // an array that could change when someone is working on 
    // the form fields mucking things up) ?



public function update($id)
    $timesheetViewModel = TimeSheetViewModel::find($id);
    if (!$timesheetViewModel->update(Input::all())) {
        return Redirect::back()
                ->with('message', 'Your time sheet was unable to be saved')
    return Redirect::route('timesheet.success')
                ->with('message', 'Your timesheet was updated.');


{{ Form::model($timeSheetViewModel, array('route' => array('timeSheetViewModel.update', $timeSheetViewModel->id))) }}
