
Adding rows of stats from two different tables to make a total row. SQL


$result = $db->query("SELECT name, wins, losses, otl, pts, gf, ga FROM standings2014_2015 WHERE teamid = '".$_POST["teamid"]."'");
$result2 = $db->query("SELECT name, wins, losses, otl, pts, gf, ga FROM standings2015_2016 WHERE teamid = '".$_POST["teamid"]."'");


$query3 = "SELECT name, wins, losses, otl, pts, gf, ga FROM standings2014_2015 WHERE teamid = '".$_POST["teamid"]."'
           UNION ALL
           SELECT name, wins, losses, otl, pts, gf, ga FROM standings2015_2016 WHERE teamid = '".$_POST["teamid"]."'";
           $result3 = $db->query($query3);

这个返回正确的所有行数据,我只是不知道如何正确添加列的值。我想做一些像$wins = $row['standings2015_2016.wins'] + $row['standings2014_2015'];的东西,但我很确定这不会工作,所以我尝试了第二个查询,它根本不起作用。

$query2 = "SELECT standings2015_2016.wins, standings2014_2015.wins, standings2015_2016.losses, standings2014_2015.losses,
           standings2015_2016.otl, standings2014_2015.otl, standings2015_2016.pts, standings2014_2015.pts, standings2015_2016.gf, standings2014_2015.gf 
           standings2015_2016.ga, standings2014_2015.ga 
           FROM standings2014_2015 WHERE teamid = '".$_POST["teamid"]."'
           LEFT JOIN standings2015_2016
           ON standings2014_2015.teamid = standings2015_2016.teamid";

下面是我的两个表的结构: CREATE TABLE 'standings2015_2016' ('teamid' INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, 'confid' INTEGER, 'divid' INTEGER, 'name' TEXT, 'wins' INTEGER, 'losses' INTEGER, 'otl' INTEGER, 'pts' INTEGER, 'gf' INTEGER, 'ga' INTEGER)


"SELECT name, SUM(wins), SUM(losses), SUM(otl), SUM(pts), SUM(gf), SUM(ga) FROM
(SELECT name, wins, losses, otl, pts, gf, ga FROM standings2014_2015 WHERE teamid = '".$_POST["teamid"]."'
       UNION ALL
SELECT name, wins, losses, otl, pts, gf, ga FROM standings2015_2016 WHERE teamid = '".$_POST["teamid"]."')
GROUP BY name"


"SELECT t1.name as name, t1.wins+t2.wins as wins, t1.losses+t2.losses as losses,t1.otl+t2.otl as otl, t1.pts=t2.pts as pts,
t1.gf=t2.gf as gf, t1.ga=t2.ga as ga
FROM standings2014_2015 t1 
inner join standings2015_2016 t2 
on t1.teamid=t2.teamid 
WHERE teamid = '".$_POST["teamid"]."'


"SELECT teamid, name, SUM(wins) wins, SUM(losses) losses, SUM(otl) otl, SUM(pts) pts, SUM(gf) gf, SUM(ga) ga 
        FROM ( 
                SELECT *  FROM standings2014_2015 
                UNION ALL 
                SELECT * FROM standings2015_2016
              ) standings2014_2015
        WHERE teamid = '".$_POST["teamid"]."'" ;    
