是PHP';s file_get_contents提高了内存和数据效率

is PHP's file_get_contents memory and data efficient?


$html = file_get_contents ("http://.....", false, null, -1, 5000);



Time to get ALL characters of remote page 10 times: 6.0368211269379
Time to get ALL characters of remote page 10 times: 6.0158920288086
Time to get ALL characters of remote page 10 times: 5.8945140838623
Time to get ALL characters of remote page 10 times: 8.867082118988
Time to get ALL characters of remote page 10 times: 5.7686760425568
Time to get first ten characters of page 10 times: 4.2118229866028
Time to get first ten characters of page 10 times: 4.5816869735718
Time to get first ten characters of page 10 times: 4.2146580219269
Time to get first ten characters of page 10 times: 4.1949119567871
Time to get first ten characters of page 10 times: 4.1788749694824

Memory Useage First 10 characters:40048
Memory Useage ALL characters:101064



