什么';s*";和“";在php preg匹配中

What's the difference between "*" and "?" in php preg match?

在php preg_match中使用"*"或"?"有区别吗?或者有一个例子吗?

// the string to match against
$string = 'The cat sat on the matthew';
// matches the letter "a" followed by zero or more "t" characters
echo preg_match("/at*/", $string);
// matches the letter "a" followed by a "t" character that may or may not be present
echo preg_match("/at?/", $string);





echo preg_match("/at*z/", "attz"); // true
echo preg_match("/at?z/", "attz"); // false - too many "t"s


echo preg_match("/at*/", "attz"); // true - 0 or more
echo preg_match("/at?/", "attz"); // true - but it stopped after the
                                  // first "t" and ignored the second
// matches the letter "a" followed by zero or more "t" characters
// matches the letter "a" followed by a "t" character that may or may not be present
