动态更改CF7 Form值

Change CF7 Form values dynamically

我一直试图在不使用Contact form 7动态文本扩展的情况下动态更改CF7表单字段。我看过很多关于如何获得发布数据的文章,只是没有关于如何覆盖现有值的文章。我的目标是动态更改文件附件,并添加与每个帖子相关的其他元数据。这能做到吗?非常感谢。


function wpcf7_custom_before_send(&$cf7) {
    if ( $cf7->id == 4 ) {
        $submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance();
        if ( $submission ) {
            $data =& $submission->get_posted_data();
            // how do I overwrite posted data?
add_action("wpcf7_before_send_mail", "wpcf7_custom_before_send");


1) 由于id $cf7->id属性不再可访问。使用id()方法代替$cf7->id()

2) 回调$cf7$submission不需要使用&。用于此return

add_action("wpcf7_before_send_mail", "wpcf7_do_something");
function wpcf7_do_something($WPCF7_ContactForm)
    if (224 == $WPCF7_ContactForm->id()) {
        //Get current form
        $wpcf7      = WPCF7_ContactForm::get_current();
        // get current SUBMISSION instance
        $submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance();
        // Ok go forward
        if ($submission) {
            // get submission data
            $data = $submission->get_posted_data();
            // nothing's here... do nothing...
            if (empty($data))
            // extract posted data for example to get name and change it
            $name         = isset($data['your-name']) ? $data['your-name'] : "";
            // do some replacements in the cf7 email body
            $mail         = $wpcf7->prop('mail');
            // Find/replace the "[your-name]" tag as defined in your CF7 email body
            // and add changes name
            $mail['body'] = str_replace('[your-name]', $name . '-tester', $mail['body']);
            // Save the email body
                "mail" => $mail
            // return current cf7 instance
            return $wpcf7;



它允许您动态修改电子邮件的收件人,而不会在前端隐藏任何字段。Simpy将其放在你的templates functions.php中,并用你自己的函数或代码替换$recipient = ...部分,以获得新的接收器。

add_action("wpcf7_before_send_mail", "wpcf7_change_recipient");
function wpcf7_change_recipient($WPCF7_ContactForm)
    $wpcf7      = WPCF7_ContactForm::get_current();
    $submission = WPCF7_Submission::get_instance();
    //some little magic to get the referers ID
    $recipient  = get_field('mail', url_to_postid(wp_get_referer()));
    if (!empty($recipient))
        if ($submission)
            $data = $submission->get_posted_data();
            // nothing's here... do nothing...
            if (empty($data))
            // do some replacements in the cf7 email body
            $mail              = $wpcf7->prop('mail');
            $mail['recipient'] = $recipient;
            // Save the email body
                "mail" => $mail
            // return current cf7 instance
            return $wpcf7;