
wamp with two php versions older version not working

我刚刚安装了带有两个版本的PHP 5.3.13和PHP 5.2.2 的WAMP

PHP 5.3.13可以查找,但在WAMP控制器中,如果我切换PHP版本,我的localhost就不起作用。我甚至重新启动了WAMP,检查了Apache错误日志,发现了这个错误:

[Thu Jul 11 15:22:22 2013] [notice] Parent: Received shutdown signal -- Shutting down the server.
[Thu Jul 11 15:22:22 2013] [notice] Child 5676: Exit event signaled. Child process is ending.
[Thu Jul 11 15:22:23 2013] [notice] Child 5676: Released the start mutex
[Thu Jul 11 15:22:24 2013] [notice] Child 5676: All worker threads have exited.
[Thu Jul 11 15:22:24 2013] [notice] Child 5676: Child process is exiting
[Thu Jul 11 15:22:24 2013] [notice] Parent: Child process exited successfully.



  • 检查是否安装了所需版本的Microsoft Visual C++。在PHP 5.2.x的情况下,我想需要的是VC6(x86)

  • 检查您是否使用了正确版本的Apache处理程序。Apache处理程序对于每个PHP版本都是不同的,不应该在不同的版本中使用。。

  • 尝试在命令提示符下运行Apache httpd.exe,查看是否出现错误。