
Taking node values from a site, and re-outputting only selected node tags that can be styled


问题是:我只是想把产品从网站上刮下来,然后把它们显示为一个产品列表,而不需要任何其他我可以在css中设置样式的东西。我想输出的是<div id='product'><a href= $link ><img src= $image /></a><br/><p>$productText</p></div>作为一个网站的产品列表(基本上是抓取它们)。这是一个我正在尝试有趣的项目,这里是代码:

$html = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath( $html );
$productName = $xpath->query( "//div[@id='btfResults']/div/div[4]/div[1]/a/text()" );
$link = $xpath->query( "//div[@id='btfResults']/div/div[3]/a/@href" );
$image = $xpath->query( "//div[@id='btfResults']/div/div[3]/a/img/@src" );
foreach ($productName as $n){
$productText = $n->nodeValue;
foreach ($image as $n){
$imageLink = $n->nodeValue;
foreach ($link as $n){
$linkLink = $n->nodeValue;
 foreach ($link as $n)
echo "<div id='product'><a href= $linkLink ><img src= $imageLink /></a><br/><p>$productText</p></div>";



$html = new DOMDocument();
$xpath = new DOMXPath( $html );
$btfResults = $xpath->query("//div[@id='btfResults']/div"); // get all item nodes
foreach ($btfResults as $node) // iterate through all items
    $productText = $linkLink = $imageLink = null; // reset result variables for each loop
    if ($productName = $xpath->query("./div[4]/div[1]/a/text()", $node)->item(0)) // fetch productName node from the item
        $productText = $productName->nodeValue;
    if ($link = $xpath->query("./div[3]/a/@href", $node)->item(0)) // fetch link node from the item
        $linkLink = $link->nodeValue;
    if ($image = $xpath->query("./div[3]/a/img/@src", $node)->item(0)) // fetch image node from the item
        $imageLink = $image->nodeValue;
    if ($productText && $linkLink && $imageLink) // only return a result when all variables are set.
        echo '<div id="product"><a href="'.$linkLink.'"><img src="'.$imageLink.'"/></a><br/><p>'.$productText.'</p></div>';