
Complex regex to filter out numbers from string, but with exceptions


> replace numbers in a string, i.e. 700, 12.43 by a label (format: {NUMBER:xx})
> ignore: when number is between {braces}, i.e. {7}, {7th}
> ignore: when any character is attached to number, i.e. G3, 7x, 1/2
> except: when
          > preceded by $, i.e. $840
          > followed by .!?:, i.e. 33! 45.65?  4...


Buy 4 {5} G3 Mac computers for 80% at $600 or 2 for 1/2 price: 200... 
dollar. Twice - 2x - as cheap!


Buy {NUMBER:4} {5} G3 Mac computers for 80% at 
$ {NUMBER:600} or {NUMBER:2} for 1/2 price: 
{$NUMBER:200} dollar. Twice - 2x - as cheap!


preg_replace("/(?<!{)(?>[0-9]+(?:'.[0-9]+)?)(?!})/", " {NUMBER:$0} ", $string);


Buy {NUMBER:4} {5} G {NUMBER:3} Mac computers for {NUMBER:80} % at 
$ {NUMBER:600} or {NUMBER:2} for {NUMBER:1} / {NUMBER:2} price: 
{NUMBER:200} ... dollar. Twice - {NUMBER:2} x - as cheap!



$result = preg_replace(
    '/(?<!'{)        # Assert no preceding {
    (?<![^'s$])      # Assert no preceding non-whitespace except $
    'b               # Match start of number
    ('d+(?:'.'d+)?+) # Match number (optional decimal part)
    'b               # Match end of number
    (?![^{}]*'})     # Assert that next brace is not a closing brace
    (?![^'s.!?,])    # Assert no following non-whitespace except .!?,
    '{NUMBER:'1}', $string);
$string="Buy 4 {5} G3 Mac computers for 80% at '$600 or 2 for 1/2 price: 200... 'ndollar. Twice - 2x - as cheap!";
//$count=preg_match_all($pattern, $string, $matches);
//echo "$count'n";
echo preg_replace($pattern,"{NUMBER:'$1}",$string);