Wordpress cron在不正确的时间间隔上运行

Wordpress cron running on incorrect time intervals




add_filter('cron_schedules', 'filter_cron_schedules');
function filter_cron_schedules($schedules) {
    $schedules['fifteen_minutes'] = array(
        'interval' => 900, // seconds
        'display'  => __('Every 15 minutes') 
    $schedules['twenty_minutes'] = array(
        'interval' => 1200, // seconds
        'display'  => __('Every 20 minutes') 
    $schedules['three_days'] = array(
        'interval' => 259200, // seconds
        'display'  => __('Every 3 days') 
    $schedules['five_minutes'] = array(
        'interval' => 300, // seconds
        'display'  => __('Every 5 minutes') 
    return $schedules;
// Schedule the cron
add_action('wp', 'bd_cron_activation');
function bd_cron_activation() {
    if (!wp_next_scheduled('bd_cron_cache')) {
        wp_schedule_event(time(), 'twenty_minutes', 'bd_cron_cache'); // hourly, daily, twicedaily
// Firing the function
add_action('bd_cron_cache', 'bd_data');
function bd_data() {
    // My Logic


// Schedule the cron
add_action('wp', 'bd_cron_activation');
function bd_cron_activation() {
    if (!wp_next_scheduled('bd_cron_cache')) {
        wp_schedule_event(time(), 'twenty_minutes', 'bd_cron_cache'); // hourly, daily, twicedaily


add_filter('cron_schedules', 'filter_cron_schedules');
function filter_cron_schedules($schedules) {
    $schedules['fifteen_minutes'] = array(
        'interval' => 900, // seconds
        'display'  => __('Every 15 minutes') 
    $schedules['twenty_minutes'] = array(
        'interval' => 1200, // seconds
        'display'  => __('Every 20 minutes') 
    $schedules['three_days'] = array(
        'interval' => 259200, // seconds
        'display'  => __('Every 3 days') 
    $schedules['five_minutes'] = array(
        'interval' => 300, // seconds
        'display'  => __('Every 5 minutes') 
    return $schedules;
// Schedule the cron
add_action('wp', 'bd_cron_activation');
function bd_cron_activation() {
    if ( wp_get_schedule('bd_cron_cache') !== 'two_minutes' ) {
            // Above statement will also be true if NO schedule exists, so here we check and unschedule if required
            if ( $time = wp_next_scheduled('bd_cron_cache'))// Get Previously scheduled time interval
                wp_unschedule_event($time, 'bd_cron_cache'); // Unschedule the event for that time interval
            wp_schedule_event(time(),'two_minutes','bd_cron_cache'); // Scheduling out event with new time interval.  
// Firing the function
add_action('bd_cron_cache', 'bd_data');
function bd_data() {
    // My Logic

此修复程序的核心逻辑由@TheDeadMedic(wordpress stackexchange成员)回答。