Facebook api,递归函数和500错误

Facebook api , Recursive Function and 500 error


 $request = new FacebookRequest(
$response = $request->execute();
$graphObject = $response->getGraphObject();
$x = $graphObject->getProperty('data');
$y = $x->asArray(); //now i got an array
$paging = $graphObject->getProperty('paging'); // i pick paging with "next" and "prevoiuos "
$paged = $paging->asArray();  //as array
$counter = 0 ;              
foreach ($y as $el){
        echo ('<h3>'.$y[$counter]->message.'</h3>');
        echo "<br/>";
        echo "<br/>";
$next = $paged['next']; // now i got url for load 20 more statuses
$response = file_get_contents($next); // get content of url
//recoursive function every time i use looper with content of next
function looper($response){
    $array = json_decode($response, true);  
    $secondarray = ($array['data']);
    $paging = ($array['paging']); // again i pick url for load  next statuses
    $next =  $paging['next'];// again i pick url for load  next statuses
    $nextResponse = file_get_contents($next);// again i pick url for load  next      statuses and i will use this.
    $counter2 = 0 ;             
        foreach ($secondarray as $el){  //  put on page next 20 statuses
                echo ('<h3>'. $secondarray[$counter2]['message'] .'</h3>');
                echo "<br/>";
                echo "<br/>";

        if ( is_null($nextResponse) == false ){ // if in next call i  got 20 more statuses(not empty) call again this function
        } else { echo "last message" ; die();}  //else stop.



我想我发现了你的问题。您正在将$nextResponse转换为file_get_contents返回的值。看见http://php.net/manual/es/function.file-get-contents.php在无法检索到内容的情况下返回CCD_ 3。尝试检查false而不是null:

        if ( false != $nextResponse ){ // if in next call i  got 20 more statuses(not empty) call again this function
        } else { echo "last message" ; die();}  //else stop.