在osx上为mongodb for examplep安装php驱动程序时出错:`phpize';失败

while installing php driver for mongodb for xampp on osx ERROR: `phpize' failed

我安装了带有brew的mongodb。在osx 上安装用于xampp的mongodb的php驱动程序时

我使用了这个命令:sudo/Applications/XAMPP/examplepfiles/bin/pecl install mongo



WARNING: "pecl/mongo" is deprecated in favor of "channel:///mongodb"
WARNING: channel "pecl.php.net" has updated its protocols, use "pecl channel-update pecl.php.net" to update
downloading mongo-1.6.12.tgz ...
Starting to download mongo-1.6.12.tgz (209,252 bytes)
.............................................done: 209,252 bytes
118 source files, building
running: phpize
Configuring for:
PHP Api Version:         20121113
Zend Module Api No:      20121212
Zend Extension Api No:   220121212
Cannot find autoconf. Please check your autoconf installation and the
$PHP_AUTOCONF environment variable. Then, rerun this script.
ERROR: `phpize' failed


  1. 下载autoconf
    curl http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/autoconf/autoconf-latest.tar.gz > autoconf.tar.gz

  2. 取消自动配置存档
    tar -xvzf autoconf.tar.gz

  3. 配置并制作–请注意,未存档的文件夹可能有不同的名称

    cd autoconf-2.69


    sudo make && sudo make install

  4. 这会将autoconf安装到"/usr/local/bin/autoconf"。为了使phpize工作,请将PHP_AUTOCONF环境变量设置为指向新安装的AUTOCONF
    export PHP_AUTOCONF=/usr/local/bin/autoconf