
deny submitting form if the username exist on the mysql db

我刚刚插入了一个JQuery username check,它运行良好,问题是即使我的Mysq Database上存在用户名,我的表单仍在提交,如果存在,我如何将其配置为拒绝提交给我的server side .php file


  $(document).ready(function() {

        //the min chars for checkusername
        var min_chars = 3;
        //result texts
        var characters_error = 'Minimum amount of chars is 3';
        var checking_html = '<img src="images/checkusername.gif" /> Checking...';
        //when button is clicked
            //run the character number check
            if($('#checkusername').val().length < min_chars){
                //if it's bellow the minimum show characters_error text
                //else show the cheking_text and run the function to check

//function to check checkusername availability  
function check_availability(){
        //get the checkusername
        var checkusername = $('#checkusername').val();
        //use ajax to run the check
        $.post("frontend/functions/f_checkuser.php", { checkusername: checkusername },
                //if the result is 1
                if(result == 1){
                    //show that the checkusername is available
                    $('#checkusername_availability_result').html('<span class="is_available"><b>' +checkusername + '</b> is Available</span>');
                    //show that the checkusername is NOT available
                    $('#checkusername_availability_result').html('<span class="is_not_available"><b>' +checkusername + '</b> is not Available</span>');


 <table border="0" >
            <td valign="middle"><input class="input_field_12em required userUserName" name="userUserName" id="checkusername"></td>
            <td valign="middle"><input type='button' id='check_checkusername_availability' value='Check Availability'></td>
            <td><div id='checkusername_availability_result'></div></td>


$(function () {
    $('form').on('submit', function (event, extra) {
        if (typeof extra == 'undefined') {
            extra = false;
        //if no extra argument is passed via `.trigger()` then don't submit the form
        return extra;
    $('#check_checkusername_availability').on('click', function () {
            url : 'frontend/functions/f_checkuser.php',
            type : 'post',
            data : { checkusername : $('#checkusername').val() },
            success : function (serverResponse) {
                //now check the serverResponse variable to see if the name exists, if not then run this code:
                $('form').trigger('submit', true);
            error   : function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { /*don't forget to handle possible errors*/ }

