
Bing Ads API customer signup in php

我需要php soap中的帮助来发送以下链接中可用的xml请求。



    // For Customer managment use the wsdl "https://clientcenter.api.bingads.microsoft.com/Api/CustomerManagement/v9/CustomerManagementService.svc?singleWsdl"         

// Include files from bing client lib here - Or better yet - use composer to autoload - 
            use BingAds'Proxy'ClientProxy; 
            use BingAds'CustomerManagement'Address;
            use BingAds'CustomerManagement'Customer;
            use BingAds'CustomerManagement'Industry;
            use BingAds'CustomerManagement'LanguageType;
            use BingAds'CustomerManagement'AdvertiserAccount;
            use BingAds'CustomerManagement'Account;
            use BingAds'CustomerManagement'CurrencyType;
            use BingAds'CustomerManagement'SignupCustomerRequest;
            use BingAds'CustomerManagement'AccountType; 

        // you should download the client lib - then should be able to do like so -
        // i assume that you have developer token, and access token already for re seller account already ...   
    // also NOTE the soap Var advertiser account - or this won't work - you will get abstract class error ... 
        // Disable WSDL caching. 
        ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0"); 
        ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_ttl", "0"); 
        // Specify your credentials. 
        $UserName = "<UserNameGoesHere>"; 
        $Password = "<PasswordGoesHere>"; 
        $DeveloperToken = "DeveloperTokenGoesHere>";  
        $AccountId = <AccountIdGoesHere>; 

         $proxy = ClientProxy::ConstructWithAccountAndCustomerId($wsdl, $UserName, $Password, $DeveloperToken, $AccountId, null, null); 

                $address = new Address(); 
                $address->CountryCode = 'US';
                $address->City = 'Some CIty';
                $address->Line1 = 'Some Address';
                $address->PostalCode = 60010;
                $address->StateOrProvince = 'IL';
                // create customer 
                $customer = new Customer(); 
                $customer->CustomerAddress = $address;
                $customer->Industry = Industry::Automotive; 
                $customer->MarketCountry = 'US'; 
                $customer->MarketLanguage = LanguageType::English;
                $customer->Name = 'No Account';  

                // create advertiser 
                $advertiseAccount = new AdvertiserAccount();
                $advertiseAccount->AccountType = AccountType::Advertiser;
                $advertiseAccount->Type = CurrencyType::USDollar;
                $advertiseAccount->CurrencyType = CurrencyType::USDollar;
                $advertiseAccount->Name ='No Account';
                $advertiseAccount->PaymentMethodType = NULL; 

                $request = new SignupCustomerRequest();
                $request->Customer = $customer; 
                $request->Account = new 'soapVar($advertiseAccount, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, 'AdvertiserAccount', $proxy->getNamespace() . '/Entities');
                $request->ParentCustomerId = 'Models'Bingads'User'BingAuth::CUSTOMER_ID_RS;
                $request->ApplicationScope = ApplicationType::Advertiser;
                    $response = $proxy->GetService()->SignupCustomer($request);
                }catch('Exception $e){
                return $response;