
Need to rewrite function for date display


function formatTime($dateTime){
// show time only if posted today
if (date('Ymd') == date('Ymd', strtotime($dateTime))) {
    $dt = date('g:i a', strtotime($dateTime));
} else {
    // if not the same year show YEAR 
    if (date('Y') == date('Y', strtotime($dateTime))) {
        $dt = date('M j', strtotime($dateTime));
    } else {
        $dt = date('M j, Y', strtotime($dateTime));
return $dt;



  • 如果在一分钟>秒之前
  • 如果在一小时>#分钟前
  • 1-2小时>一个多小时前
  • 2-24小时>前一天
  • 2-7天>#天前
  • 7天-月>#周前
  • 1-2个月>超过一个月
  • 之后我就可以约会了



function formatTime ($dateTime) {
  // A Unix timestamp will definitely be required
  $dateTimeInt = strtotime($dateTime);
  // First we need to get the number of seconds ago this was
  $secondsAgo = time() - $dateTimeInt;
  // Now we decide what to do with it
  switch (TRUE) {
    case $secondsAgo < 60: // Less than a minute
      return "$secondsAgo seconds ago";
    case $secondsAgo < 3600: // Less than an hour
      return floor($secondsAgo / 60)." minutes ago";
    case $secondsAgo < 7200: // Less than 2 hours
      return "over an hour ago";
    case $secondsAgo < 86400: // Less than 1 day
      return "1 day ago"; // This makes no sense, but it is what you have asked for...
    case $secondsAgo < (86400 * 7): // Less than 1 week
      return floor($secondsAgo / 86400)." days ago";
    case $secondsAgo < (86400 * 28): // Less than 1 month - for the sake of argument let's call a month 28 days
      return floor($secondsAgo / (86400 * 7))." weeks ago";
    case $secondsAgo < (86400 * 56): // Less than 2 months
      return "over a month ago";
      return date('M j, Y', $dateTimeInt);
