
Defective Insert Algorithm



//Records item as being back in stock
function itemInStock($item){
    $db_controller = new DBHandler();
    $selectQuery = "SELECT * FROM out_of_stock_record
                    WHERE ListID = '$item->ID'
                    AND Status = 'OPEN'";
    $rs = $db_controller->select($selectQuery);
    /*If this record exists, then the only thing we need to do is update the BackInStockTS and Status columns.  It came back in stock on this date at this time, therefore it's closed.*/
        $currentDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $updateQuery = "UPDATE out_of_stock_record 
                        SET BackInStockTS = '$currentDate', Status = 'CLOSED' 
                        WHERE ID = '$item->ListID' AND Status = 'OPEN'";
//Records item as being out of stock
function itemOOStock($item){
    $db_controller = new DBHandler();
    $selectQuery = "SELECT ID FROM out_of_stock_record
                    WHERE ID = '$item->ID'
                    AND Status = 'OPEN'";
    $rs = $db_controller->select($selectQuery);
    /*We only need to make sure the record DOESN'T exist, because if that's true, then all we need to do is insert this.  If it already exists, there's nothing to do.
      The only other check occurs later on that sees if the item is back in stock, then updates the existing open record in order to close it and record the date it
      came back in stock.*/
        $currentDate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
        $start = "INSERT INTO out_of_stock_record (ID, OutOfStockTS, BackInStockTS, Status) VALUES (";
        $end = sprintf("'%s', '%s', NULL, '%s')", $item->ID, $currentDate, "OPEN");
        $start .= $end;




if(mysql_num_rows($rs) == 0){
    //Insert record
if(mysql_num_rows($rs) != 0){
    //Update record