如何使用 php 列出一个目录以在没有 javascript 的情况下浏览文件夹

How do I list a directory with php to navigate through folders, without javascript?


  • 列出目录,递归
  • 在文件夹中导航的功能
  • 没有JavaScript
  • 通过网址导航,"?p=2|1"或类似的东西
  • 按类型排序,然后按名称排序
class DirTree
    protected $root;
    protected $active;
    const URL_KEY = 'el';
    public function __construct($root, $active = null) {
        $this->root = realpath($root);
        if ($active !== null) {
            $this->active = realpath($this->root . '/' . $active);
    public function isActive($element) {
        return substr($this->active, 0, strlen($element->getPathname())) === $element->getPathname();
    public function getLink($element) {
        return '?' . http_build_query(array(
            self::URL_KEY => substr($element->getPathname(), strlen($this->root))
    protected function _get(Iterator $it) {
        $result = array();
        $dirs = $files = array();
        foreach ($it as $entry) {
            if ($entry->isDir()) {
                $data = (object)array(
                    'type' => 'dir',
                    'name' => $entry->getBasename(),
                    'object' => $entry
                if ($this->isActive($entry)) {
                    $data->children = $this->_get($it->getChildren());
                    $data->active = true;
                $dirs[$entry->getBasename()] = $data;
            else {
                $files[$entry->getFilename()] = (object)array(
                    'type' => 'file',
                    'name' => $entry->getFilename(),
                    'object' => $entry,
                    'active' => $this->isActive($entry)
        uksort($dirs, 'strnatcmp');
        uksort($files, 'strnatcmp');
        return array_values(array_merge($dirs, $files));
    public function get() {
        return $this->_get(
            new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($this->root)
    public function outputUl($dirTree = null) {
        if ($dirTree === null) {
            $dirTree = $this->get();
        echo '<ul>';
        foreach ($dirTree as $element) {
            $classes = array($element->type);
            if ($element->type === 'dir') {
                if ($element->active) {
                    $classes[] = 'active';
                echo '<li class="', implode(' ', $classes), '">';
                echo '<a href="', $this->getLink($element->object),'">';
                echo $element->name;
                echo '</a>';
                if (sizeof($element->children) > 0) {
                echo '</li>';
            else {
                if ($element->active) {
                    $classes[] = 'active';
                echo '<li class="', implode(' ', $classes), '">';
                echo '<a href="', $this->getLink($element->object),'">';
                echo $element->name;
                echo '</a>';
                echo '</li>';
        echo '</ul>';
<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <style type="text/css">
            #dirTree a {
                text-decoration: none;
                color: #171717;
            #dirTree .file a {
                color: #999999;
            #dirTree .active > a {
                font-weight: bold;
        <div id="dirTree">
                $dirTree = new DirTree(
                     isset($_GET[DirTree::URL_KEY]) ? $_GET[DirTree::URL_KEY] : null

我最近不得不做类似的东西,所以这里有一个函数可以做到这一点。或者,您可以向文件和文件夹添加类名,以使用 CSS 设置它们的样式。所有文件夹都显示为"打开",尽管使用一点JS,您可以创建一个函数来向列表中添加一些"打开-关闭"行为。

 * function makeDirectoryTree
 * iterates recursively through a directory
 * and lists it in an unordered list
 * usage: echo makeDirectoryTree(relative/path/to/directory);
 * @param string $pathname
 * @return string
function makeDirectoryTree($pathname){
   $path = realpath($pathname);
      return "Path does not exist!";
   $foldertree = new DOMDocument();
    * the rootelement of the tree 
   $ul[""] = $foldertree->createElement('ul');
   $ul[""]->setAttribute('id', 'foldertree_root');
    * Files in rootfolder
    * if not iterated separately, these files will appear alphabetically between the folders
    * instead of on top of the list
   $iterator = new DirectoryIterator($path);
   foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo) {
      if ($fileinfo->isFile()) {
          * the random id could be useful if you want to manipulate an element with JS
          * for instance to 'open' or 'close' the folders
          * also, add an optional classname to files and folders, so you can
          * do some markup with CSS, for instance:
          * .folder {color: #f00; list-style-image: url('path/to/images/folder.png');}
          * .file {color: #999; list-style-image: url('path/to/images/file.png');}
         $random_id = md5(microtime());
         $li_element = $foldertree->createElement('li', $fileinfo->getFilename());
         $li_element->setAttribute('id', 'li_' . str_ireplace(' ', '', $random_id));
         $li_element->setAttribute('class', 'file'); //optional classname
    * iterate through the other folders
   $objects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST);
   foreach($objects as $name=>$value){
         $relative_path = str_ireplace($path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "", $value->getPathname());
         $path_array = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $relative_path);
         $new_dir = array_pop($path_array);
         $directory_up = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $path_array);
         $random_id = md5(microtime());
         $li[$relative_path] = $foldertree->createElement('li', $new_dir);
         $li[$relative_path]->setAttribute('id', 'li_' . str_ireplace(' ', '', $random_id));
         $li[$relative_path]->setAttribute('class', 'folder'); //optional classname
         $ul[$relative_path] = $foldertree->createElement('ul');
         $ul[$relative_path]->setAttribute('id', 'ul_' . str_ireplace(' ', '', $random_id));
         $iterator = new DirectoryIterator($value->getPathname());
         foreach ($iterator as $fileinfo) {
            if ($fileinfo->isFile()) {
               $random_id = md5(microtime());
               $li_element = $foldertree->createElement('li', $fileinfo->getFilename());
               $li_element->setAttribute('id', 'li_' . str_ireplace(' ', '', $random_id));
               $li_element->setAttribute('class', 'file'); //optional classname
   return $foldertree->saveHTML();