PHP 中的 Soap API 集成:SoapClient 错误

Soap API integration in PHP: SoapClient Error

当我在sopaUI中使用XML时,结果很好,但是当我使用以下php代码时,结果显示为空白,我得到此错误:Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soap:Server] System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at Saia.Presentation。我认为问题出在 Soap 标头或其他方面,因为当我注释掉参数时,结果没有变化。

我从哪里获得 wsdl 文件和架构的链接:

$client = new SoapClient("",array( 'trace' => 1,
'exceptions' => true,'features' => SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS, ));
$params = array("UserID" => '*******',
        "Password" => '*****',
        "TestMode" => "Y",
        "AccountNumber" => '******',
        "CompanyName" => 'TESTING NAME',
        "Street" => 'TESTING STREET',
        "Box" => 'TESTING BOX',
        "City" => 'LOS ANGELES',
        "State" => 'CA',
        "Zipcode" => '90001',
        "ContactName" => 'TESTING CONTACT',
        "ContactPhone" => '1234567890',
        "PickupDate" => '2013-09-24',
        "ReadyTime" => '13:00:00',
        "CloseTime" => '17:00:00',
        "SpecialInstructions" => 'Nothing',
         "Details" => array("DetailItem" => array("DestinationZipcode" => '70364', "Pieces" => '5', "Package" => 'SK',"Weight" => '100', "Freezable" => 'N') ));
$return = $client->Create($params);

如果您查看 WSDL,您会发现 Create 操作参数必须包含一个指向实际Create对象参数的request元素(您可以像发送关联数组一样发送该参数)。

我必须说 WSDL 不是很正确,因为相同的元素名称,这意味着 Create 用于不同的定义两次。一次如element,一次如complexType

为了清楚起见,您必须使用实际代码:$return = $client->Create(array('request'=>$params));,它应该可以工作。