
Read each line of text of each file in a directory and place into array?

>我有一个目录,里面有文本文件,每天都会添加新的文本文件。每个文本文件都是一个包含 4 行文本的学校课程。第 1 行是课程编号,第 2 行是课程标题,第 3 行是描述,第 4 行是截止日期。

在PHP中,我需要能够读取所有当前和未来的文本文件并将它们放入HTML表中。 表中标有"课程编号"、"课程标题"、"描述"和"截止日期"的 4 列。每个文本文件为 1 个表格行。



你的方法是这样做的一种方式。您可以扫描目录中所需的文件,并使用 file() 函数检索数组中的文件内容。我只会发布部分代码,因为从目录中获取文件名是显而易见的(请参阅其他答案中的glob())。


/get 来自数组中给定目录的文件列表(数组将包含文件名)。 建议文件名具有完整路径或脚本的相对路径

$task_array = Array();
foreach ($filelist as $filename)
        $file_content = file($filename); // we get an array with this function
        // you could do this the other way, by using fopen() and fread(), but this is easier
    catch(Exception $e)
        $(file_content = false;
    if (($file_content !== false) && (!empty($file_content)))
        $task_array[] = $file_content;


    [0] -> Array(
        [0] -> 1
        [1] -> 'Lesson Title'
        [2] -> 'Lesson Description here'
        [3] -> '2013-09-25'
    [1] -> Array(
        [0] -> 2
        [1] -> 'Lesson Title 2'
        [2] -> 'Lesson 2 Description here'
        [3] -> '2013-09-25'

然后,当你有这个数组时,你可以再次使用 foreach 以 HTML 显示它。


你可以用两种方式,要么使用将扫描目录的glob,要么使用更好的目录迭代器 http://php.net/manual/en/class.directoryiterator.php,我建议使用glob方法更容易一些,所以病了。



 * @author - Sephedo
 * @for - Randall @ Stackoverflow
 * @question - http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18704981/read-each-line-of-text-of-each-file-in-a-directory-and-place-into-array/18705231#18705231
$directory = 'lessons/'; // The directory to the lesson text files
$linesToReturn = 4; // Set to four for the number of lines in each text file ( for expansion? )
// Find all files in the directory which are .txt files
foreach( glob( $directory . "*.txt" ) as $filename )
    // Open the file
    if( $handle = @fopen( $filename, "r") )
        $x = 0; // Start the line counter
        // Cycle each line until end or reach the lines to return limit
        while(! feof( $handle ) or $x < $linesToReturn )
            $line = fgets($handle); // Read the line
            $lessons[$filename][] = $line;
            $x++; // Increase the counter
        // This lines makes sure that are exactly 4 lines in each lesson
        if( count( $lessons[$filename] ) != $linesToReturn ) unset( $lessons[$filename] );
// creates a blank list if no files or valid files were found.
if(! isset( $lessons ) ) $lessons = array();
// The rest of the page just builds a simple table to display each lesson.-
echo '<h1>Lesson Plans</h1>';
echo '<table>';
echo '<th>Lesson Number</th><th>Lesson Title</th><th>Description</th><th>Due Date</th>';
foreach( $lessons as $file => $details )
    echo '<tr><td>' . $details[0] . '</td><td>' . $details[1] . '</td><td>' . $details[2] . '</td><td>' . $details[3] . '</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';


foreach(glob($dir) as $file) { //load each file in the directory
    $fileHandle = fopen($file, "r");
    while (!feof($fileHandle)) {   // load each line
        $line = fgets($fileHandle);
        echo $line . '<br />';