Javascript 会话超时,多个选项卡出现弹出警报

Javascript session timeout with popup alert for multiple tabs

我正在使用javascript setInterval()来检查用户空闲时间并在自动注销之前显示弹出警报。但它不适用于多个选项卡(适用于单个选项卡)


var idleInterval    = setInterval(timerIncrement, 1000);

function timerIncrement()  
    if(localStorage.getItem("idleTimeValue")) {
        idleTime            = parseInt(localStorage.getItem("idleTimeValue")) + 1; //increments idle time by one second
    } else {
        idleTime            = 1;
    localStorage.setItem("idleTimeValue", idleTime);
    var timeDiff            = 600; 
    var totTimeRemaining    = timeDiff-idleTime;

    if(totTimeRemaining > 0) {
                var minutes = Math.floor(totTimeRemaining / 60);
                var seconds = totTimeRemaining - minutes * 60;
                $('#timeoutRemainingTime').html(minutes+" minutes and "+seconds+" seconds");
    } else {
                window.location = httpHost+"/account/index/logout";

$(this).click(function (e) 

我正在本地存储中设置空闲时间,例如 -

localStorage.setItem("idleTimeValue", idleTime);

因此,如果我打开 3 个选项卡,setInterval() 函数将在所有选项卡中运行,并且 idleTime 增量为 3 秒而不是 1 秒,并且时间计算错误。




我使用了一个本地存储值,其中存储了当前时间。如果 localStorage["currentTime"] 中不存在任何值,则将当前时间存储在 localStorage 中。

var currentTime         = new Date();
if ( !(localStorage.getItem("currentTime")) || (localStorage.getItem("currentTime") == "") )
        idleTime        = 0;
        setTimeout(function() { localStorage.setItem("currentTime", currentTime)},5000); // current time is set to localStorage after  seconds (it is for setting in multiple tabs)

显示超时弹出窗口的所有计算都是使用 localStorage.getItem("currentTime") 值完成的。


$(this).click(function (e) 
    localStorage.setItem("currentTime", "");
    idleTime = 0;


步骤 1:设置环境 - 创建唯一的计时器 ID 以将其与其他计时器隔离

var timerId = 'timer-'+(new Date().getTime());
localStorage.setItem(timerId, '0');
modifyAllIdleTime('0');//i.e resetting all timers
var idleInterval    = setInterval(timerIncrement, 1000);
function timerIncrement(){
    // increament & Set only localStorage.getItem(timerId) so that it will not affect others
    // Add logic to showHide

步骤2:修改空闲时间 - 每当需要修改其他计时器实例空闲时间时调用

function modifyAllIdleTime(idleTime) {
    for(var i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
        if(localStorage.key(i).indexOf('timer-') !== -1) { //if timer instance
            localStorage.setItem(localStorage.key(i), idleTime);

第 3 步:退出 - 每当任何计时器的剩余时间为 0 时退出所有计时器

modifyAllIdleTime('600');// where 600 is the max allowed idle time in sec
deleteTimer();//call this to cleanup localStorage before navigating user to logout screen