如何使用JavaScript / jQuery仅在页面首次加载时显示消息框

How do I show a message box only the first time a page loads, using JavaScript / jQuery?


cookie 是执行此操作的唯一方法,还是有任何 JavaScript 库可以采用这种方法?技术堆栈是jQuery/JavaScript和PHP。

Cookie 不是唯一的方法,你可以用localStorage,试试这个:

   alert("First Time Alert");

您应该使用服务器端语言 (php) 来存储会话变量。会话跨页面加载存储数据。




// plugin start //
    // First Time Visit Processing
    // copyright 10th January 2006, Stephen Chapman
    // permission to use this Javascript on your web page is granted
    // provided that all of the below code in this script (including this
    // comment) is used without any alteration
    function rC(nam) {var tC = document.cookie.split('; '); for (var i = tC.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {var x = tC[i].split('='); if (nam == x[0]) return unescape(x[1]);} return '~';} function wC(nam,val) {document.cookie = nam + '=' + escape(val);} function lC(nam,pg) {var val = rC(nam); if (val.indexOf('~'+pg+'~') != -1) return false; val += pg + '~'; wC(nam,val); return true;} function firstTime(cN) {return lC('pWrD4jBo',cN);} function thisPage() {var page = location.href.substring(location.href.lastIndexOf(''/')+1); pos = page.indexOf('.');if (pos > -1) {page = page.substr(0,pos);} return page;}
// plugin finish //

// example code to call it - you may modify this as required
function start() {
   if (firstTime(thisPage())) {
      // this code only runs for first visit
   // other code to run every time once page is loaded goes here
onload = start;

示例 http://javascript.about.com/library/blfirst1.htm