同位素 + WordPress - 帖子加载后重新布局

Isotope + Wordpress - re-layout after posts load?

我在WordPress中使用带有砖石布局的Isotope,以及ImagesLoaded。每个帖子都是一个单独的同位素项目。一切似乎都运行良好,除了当我在帖子中加载动态内容时,例如 Twitter 小部件或嵌入式视频。项目的初始高度是在帖子/小部件加载之前设置的。一旦它完全加载,我需要同位素再次重新布局以适应新的高度。



// init isotope
var $container = $('#cards');
    itemSelector: '.item',
    masonry: {
       columnWidth: '.grid-sizer',
       isFitWidth: true

// layout Isotope again after all images have loaded
$container.imagesLoaded( function() {

// infinite scroll
        navSelector  : '.pagination',   
        nextSelector : '.pagination a', 
        itemSelector : '.item-scroll', 
        behavior: "twitter",
        loading: {
            finishedMsg: 'No more pages to load.'      
        function ( newElements ) {
          var $newElems = jQuery( newElements ).hide(); // hide to begin with
          // ensure that images load before adding to masonry layout
            $newElems.fadeIn(); // fade in when ready
            $container.isotope( 'appended', $newElems );  
function onLayout() {



 var $container = $('#cards');
$container.imagesLoaded( function() {
  // init isotope
itemSelector: '.item',
masonry: {
   columnWidth: '.grid-sizer',
   isFitWidth: true

// infinite scroll
    navSelector  : '.pagination',   
    nextSelector : '.pagination a', 
    itemSelector : '.item-scroll', 
    behavior: "twitter",
    loading: {
        finishedMsg: 'No more pages to load.'      
    function ( newElements ) {
      var $newElems = jQuery( newElements ).hide(); // hide to begin with
      // ensure that images load before adding to masonry layout
        $newElems.fadeIn(); // fade in when ready
        $container.isotope( 'appended', $newElems ).isotope('layout');  
function onLayout() {