PHP TWITTER 机器人使用 api 版本 1.1 和游标关注/取消关注

PHP TWITTER bot to follow/unfollow using api version 1.1 and cursors


$oTwitter = new TwitterOAuth (...)
$aFollowing = $oTwitter->get('friends/ids');
$aFollowing = $aFollowing->ids;
$aFollowers = $oTwitter->get('followers/ids');
$aFollowers = $aFollowers->ids;
foreach( $aFollowing as $iFollowing )
$isFollowing = in_array( $iFollowing, $aFollowers );
echo "$iFollowing: ".( $isFollowing ? 'OK' : '!!!' )."<br/>";
if( !$isFollowing )
$parameters = array( 'user_id' => $iFollowing );
$status = $oTwitter->post('friendships/destroy', $parameters);
} if ($i++ === 100 ) break;


编辑: 为这篇文章添加了自己的答案,其中包含用于在 Twitter 上关注和取消关注非关注者的代码。


  require_once 'twitteroauth.php';
 $oTwitter = new TwitterOAuth 

带光标的完整追随者数组(追随者> 5000)

$e = 1;
$cursor = -1;
$full_followers = array();
do {
$follows = $oTwitter->get("followers/ids.json?screen_name=yourusername&cursor=".$cursor);
$foll_array = (array)$follows;
  foreach ($foll_array['ids'] as $key => $val) {
        $full_followers[$e] = $val;
       $cursor = $follows->next_cursor;
  } while ($cursor > 0);
echo "Number of following:" .$e. "<br /><br />";

带光标的完整友元数组(跟随 5000>)

$e = 1;
$cursor = -1;
$full_friends = array();
do {
  $follow = $oTwitter->get("friends/ids.json?screen_name=yourusername&cursor=".$cursor);
  $foll_array = (array)$follow;
  foreach ($foll_array['ids'] as $key => $val) {
        $full_friends[$e] = $val;
      $cursor = $follow->next_cursor;
} while ($cursor > 0);


    $index = 1;
    foreach( $full_friends as $iFollow )
    $isFollowing = in_array( $iFollow, $full_followers );
    echo "$iFollow: ".( $isFollowing ? 'OK' : '!!!' )."<br/>";
     if( !$isFollowing )
        $parameters = array( 'user_id' => $iFollow );
        $status = $oTwitter->post('friendships/destroy', $parameters);
        } if ($unfollow_total === 5) break;


$index = 1;
$follow_total = 0;
foreach( $full_followers as $heFollows )
$amFollowing = in_array( $heFollows, $full_friends );
echo "$heFollows: ".( $amFollowing ? 'OK' : '!!!' )."<br/>";
 if( !$amFollowing )
    $parameters = array( 'user_id' => $heFollows );
    $status = $oTwitter->post('friendships/create', $parameters);
    } if ($follow_total === 5) break;
echo 'Unfollowed:'.$unfollow_total.'<br />';
echo 'Followed:'.$follow_total.'<br />';

如果您的关注者大于 5000,则$aFollowers = $oTwitter->get('followers/ids');只会返回前 5000 个 ID。按什么顺序?Twitter 不保证任何订单,所以我们只是假设随机。

如果以下检查$isFollowing = in_array( $iFollowing, $aFollowers );$iFollowing的人可能会也可能不在列表中,$aFollowers具体取决于Twitter如何将关注者返回给您。如果这个人在前 5000 个,那么这将起作用,如果他们在前 5000 个之外,那么即使这个人合法地关注你,检查也会失败。

您需要通过光标吸引所有关注者。查看光标/页面上的文档 - 会帮助你一点。基本上你需要这样做。

$aFollowers = array();
$cursor = -1;
do {
  $follows = $oTwitter->get('followers/ids?cursor=' . $cursor);
  $aFollowers = array_merge($follows->ids, $aFollowers);
  $cursor = $follows->next_cursor;
} while ($cursor > 0);