
Change Password Structure without effecting current users

我正在寻找有关更新密码系统的最佳实践的帮助或建议。不久前,我使用 php 构建了一个登录系统(在我真正知道我在做什么之前),它所做的只是使用 sha1 加密密码,我知道这不安全或不好使用。


$password = sha1($password1)


 function generateHash($password_1){
    if(defined("CRYPT_BLOWFISH") && CRYPT_BLOWFISH){
         //echo "WE HAVE CRYPT BLOWFISH YAYA";
         $salt = '$2y$11$'. substr(md5(uniqid(rand(), true)), 0, 22);
         return crypt($password_1, $salt);
    }//End If
}//End Function generateHash*/

注册时,我加密密码: $password_1 = $_POST['password_1']; 哈希密码 $password = generateHash($password_1);


$hashed_password = crypt($password_1, $entered_password)
if($hashed_password != $enter_password){
    $error['password'] = 'The password or username you entered is incorrect.';
    'Your Good to Go!'



几天后重命名列 newPassword 作为密码

感谢您的想法 Cvetomir。所以我所做的是在表中创建了一个名为encrypted_password的新列,基本上,所有新注册都将使用 CRYPT_BLOWIFSH 进行加密。

所以基本上我的解决方案(不确定它有多优雅,但它有效)查看每个密码。如果输入的密码与 SHA1 密码匹配,则获取该发布的密码并将其加密为新格式并将其添加到数据库中。


if(!$errors && $username == $teacher_row['username']){
    if($_POST['password1'] != ''){
        $old_password = filter_var($_POST['password1']);
        $old_password = sha1($old_password);
       //If the old SHA1 Password does not match anything in the database then try and match it with our new method 
       if($old_password != $teacher_row['password1']){
            //New Password will be the $_POST Password          
            $new_password = $_POST['password1'];
            //Grab the new column
            $user_password = $teacher_row['encrypted_password'];
            //Uncrypt the password to see if they match
            $hashed_password = crypt($new_password, $user_password);
            //If it doesn't match throw an error            
            if($hashed_password != $user_password){
                $errors['username'] = 'The username or password you entered is incorrect.';
            }//If Hashed Password != User password
                if($hashed_password == $user_password){
                    //The New Password does match and gain your session
                    //Create our session on session_id and hash it as well
                    $session_id = generateHash($id)                     
                    $_SESSION['DHL'] = $session_id;
                    $_SESSION['TIMEOUT'] = time();
                    $_SESSION['TEACHER_ID'] = $teacher_username;
                $encrypted_password = generateHash($_POST['password1']);
                //Build our query
                $sql = ("UPDATE members_teachers SET encrypted_password = ? WHERE username = ?") or die(htmlspecialchars($db_connection->error));
                //Prepare our query
                $stmt = $db_connection->prepare($sql) or die ('database connection() failed: '. htmlspecialchars($db_connection->error));
                //Prepare our query
                $stmt = $db_connection->prepare($sql) or die($db_connection->error);
                //Can not proceed if we can not prepare the query
                if(false===$stmt){ die('prepare() failed: ' . htmlspecialchars($db_connection->error));
                //Bind the fields and there paramters to our query in our testing variable $next_step
                $next_step = $stmt->bind_param('ss', $new_password, $teacher_username);
                //If next_step is false then it didn't work and there is no sense of proceeding
                if($false===$next_step){ die('bind_param() failed: ' . htmlspecialchars($db_connection->error));
                //Place the Execute into a variable and test if it executed or not
                $next_step = $stmt->execute();
                //If next_step is false then it didn't work and there is no sense of proceeding 
                if(false===$next_step){ die('execute() failed: ' . htmlspecialchars($db_connection->error));    
        else{ //The Old Passwords Must Match
            $password = generateHash($_POST['password1']);
            //$errors['username'] = 'Password Correct '.$_POST['password1'].' and '.$password.'';
            //Build our query
            $sql = ("UPDATE members_teachers SET encrypted_password = ? WHERE username = ?") or die(htmlspecialchars($db_connection->error));
            //Prepare our query
            $stmt = $db_connection->prepare($sql) or die ('database connection() failed: '. htmlspecialchars($db_connection->error));
            //Prepare our query
            $stmt = $db_connection->prepare($sql) or die($db_connection->error);
            //Can not proceed if we can not prepare the query
            if(false===$stmt){die('prepare() failed: ' . htmlspecialchars($db_connection->error));
            //Bind the fields and there paramters to our query in our testing variable $next_step
            $next_step = $stmt->bind_param('ss', $password, $teacher_username);
            //If next_step is false then it didn't work and there is no sense of proceeding
            die('bind_param() failed: ' . htmlspecialchars($db_connection->error));
            //Place the Execute into a variable and test if it executed or not
            $next_step = $stmt->execute();
            //If next_step is false then it didn't work and there is no sense of proceeding 
            if(false===$next_step){die('execute() failed: ' . htmlspecialchars($db_connection->error)); 
            //The New Hashed password does match We are good
            //Create our session on session_id
            $_SESSION['DHL'] = $session_id;
            $_SESSION['TIMEOUT'] = time();
            $_SESSION['TEACHER_ID'] = $teacher_username;
        }//End the old Passwords do match
    }//If password is not Blank 
        $errors['username'] = 'You must enter a password';