如何使用 Codeigniter/PHP 将文件上传到 Amazon S3

How can I upload a file to amazon S3 with Codeigniter/PHP?

我正在尝试将文件上传到我的 Amazon S3 存储桶。我的朋友过去在我们的网站上工作过,但一年后它被破坏了,我无法弄清楚出了什么问题。我们正在使用Geoff gaudreault开发的S3 PHP库。

这个库对我来说看起来很简单,实际上看起来有一个关键功能:putObject() .

不幸的是,我什至没有走出大门。我收到以下错误消息: Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data.


    function s3(){
    $config['upload_path'] = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].'/temp/';
    $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png';
    $config['max_size'] = '1000000';
    $config['max_width']  = '1024000';
    $config['max_height']  = '768000';
    $this->load->library('upload', $config);
    if ( ! $this->upload->do_upload())
        $error = array('error' => $this->upload->display_errors());
        echo 'failure';
       $data = array('upload_data' => $this->upload->data()); 
        $fn = $data['file_name'];
        $type = substr($fn, strrpos($fn, '.') + 1);
    $temp_file_path = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/temp/" . $data['file_name'];
    $contents = read_file($temp_file_path); // will this blow up or timeout for large files?! 
    $newFileName = uniqid().".".substr($temp_file_path, strrpos($temp_file_path, '.') + 1);
     $contentPath = "mysite.com/Images"; 
    $this->s3->putObject($newFileName, $contents, $contentPath, 'private', $type);
    echo 'success';


我切换到了另一个S3 PHP库,也称为S3.php,这是这个非常好的Netuts教程源代码的一部分。

只需将我的 AWS 密钥和存储桶名称插入演示页面.php文件,我就可以在大约 2 分钟内上传到我的存储桶。所以本教程非常简单。非常令人兴奋!

in codeigniter

此处链接以上传和删除 s3 存储桶中的图像

function profile_upload()
    if ($this->session->userdata('user_login')) {
        $file = $_FILES['agent_profile_file']['tmp_name'];
        if (file_exists($file)) {
            $allowedExts = array("gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "png");
            $typefile    = explode(".", $_FILES["agent_profile_file"]["name"]);
            $extension   = end($typefile);
            if (!in_array(strtolower($extension), $allowedExts)) {
                //not image
                $data['message'] = "images";
            } else {
                $userid = $this->session->userdata['user_login']['userid'];
                $full_path = "agent_image/" . $userid . "/profileImg/";
                mkdir($full_path, 0777, true);
                $path = $_FILES['agent_profile_file']['tmp_name'];
                $image_name = $full_path . preg_replace("/[^a-z0-9'._]+/", "-", strtolower(uniqid() . $_FILES['agent_profile_file']['name']));
                $data['message'] = "sucess";
                $s3_bucket = s3_bucket_upload($path, $image_name);
                if ($s3_bucket['message'] == "sucess") {
                    $data['imagename'] = $s3_bucket['imagepath'];
                    $data['imagepath'] = $s3_bucket['imagename'];
                //use $imagesizedata to get extra info
        } else {
            //not file
            $data['message'] = "images";
    } else {
        $data['message'] = "login";
    echo json_encode($data);
    //$file_name2 = preg_replace("/ /", "-", $file_name);
// Helper file add code
// image compress code
function compress($source, $destination, $quality)
    $info = getimagesize($source);
    if ($info['mime'] == 'image/jpeg') {
        $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($source);
    } elseif ($info['mime'] == 'image/gif') {
        $image = imagecreatefromgif($source);
    } elseif ($info['mime'] == 'image/png') {
        $image = imagecreatefrompng($source);
    $filename = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), "beyondbroker");
    imagejpeg($image, $filename, $quality);
    $imagedata = ob_end_clean();
    return $filename;
// type for if image then it will reduce size
// site for it in web of mobile because mobile webservice image will in base 64
// $tempth will file temp path
// $image_path will file where to save path
function s3_bucket_upload($temppath, $image_path, $type = "image", $site = "web")
    $bucket = "bucket-name";
    $data = array();
    $data['message'] = "false";
    // For website only
    if ($site == "web") {
        if ($type == "image") {
            $file_Path = compress($temppath, $image_path, 90);
        } else {
            $file_Path = $temppath;
    try {
        $s3Client = new S3Client([
            'version'     => 'latest',
            'region'      => 'us-west-2',
            'credentials' => [
                'key'    => 'aws-key',
                'secret' => 'aws-secretkey',
        // For website only
        if ($site == "web") {
            $result = $s3Client->putObject([
                'Bucket'     => $bucket,
                'Key'        => $image_path,
                'SourceFile' => $file_Path,
                //'body'=> $file_Path,
                'ACL'        => 'public-read',
                //'StorageClass' => 'REDUCED_REDUNDANCY',
            $data['message']   = "sucess";
            $data['imagename'] = $image_path;
            $data['imagepath'] = $result['ObjectURL'];
        } else {
            // $tmp = base64_decode($base64);
            $upload            = $s3Client->upload($bucket, $image_path, $temppath, 'public-read');
            $data['message']   = "sucess";
            $data['imagepath'] = $upload->get('ObjectURL');
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $data['message'] = "false";
        // echo $e->getMessage() . "'n";
    return $data;