以百分比为基础的 HTML 图像

HTML Image on % basis?



有 10 个插槽,有 3 个图像,三个图像中的任何一个都有 50% 的机会,因此它将获得 50%(5 个插槽),其余两个将占据 5 个插槽的左侧。

有什么方法可以在 js/php 中做到这一点吗?



    $images = array(
        array( 'title' => 'mytitle1', 'path' => 'path/to/image1.png', 'slots' => 0 ),
        array( 'title' => 'mytitle2', 'path' => 'path/to/image2.png', 'slots' => 0 ),
        array( 'title' => 'mytitle3', 'path' => 'path/to/image3.png', 'slots' => 0 ),
    //  array( 'title' => 'mytitle4', 'path' => 'path/to/image4.png', 'slots' => 0 ),
    //  array( 'title' => 'mytitle5', 'path' => 'path/to/image5.png', 'slots' => 0 ),
    //  array( 'title' => 'mytitle6', 'path' => 'path/to/image6.png', 'slots' => 0 ),
    //  array( 'title' => 'mytitle7', 'path' => 'path/to/image7.png', 'slots' => 0 ),
    //  array( 'title' => 'mytitle8', 'path' => 'path/to/image8.png', 'slots' => 0 ),
    // Calculate # of slots to use per image
    $nimages = count($images);                  // # of images
    $nslots  = 10;                              // # of slots
    $rimags = $nimages - 1;                     // # remaining images
    $images[0]['slots'] = floor($nslots * 0.5); // # slots 1st image
    $rslots = $nslots - $images[0]['slots'];    // # remaining slots
    $xslots  = floor($rslots / $rimags);        // slots / image
    $xtra    = ($rslots % $rimags);             // extra slots
    for ($xi=1; $xi<$nimages; $xi++) {
        $images[$xi]['slots'] = $xslots + (($xtra>0) ? 1 : 0);
        if ($xtra>0) $xtra--;
    // Generate HTML code
    echo '<div id="image_panel">' . PHP_EOL;
    $nslot = 1;
    foreach ($images as $img) {
        if ($img['slots']<1) continue;
        for ($xi=0; $xi<$img['slots']; $xi++) {
           echo '  '.$nslot.': <img src="'.$img['path'].'"     title="'.$img['title'].'" alt="'.$img['title'].'" id="'.$xi.'" />' . PHP_EOL;
    echo '</div>' . PHP_EOL;