如何使用 PHP 获得有条件的 rendomise 值

How to get rendomise value with condition with PHP?

我有一个大约 100 个不同随机数的数组,如下所示:

$numbers=array(10,9,5,12, ..... .... ... ...);

现在我想从这个数组中制作一个随机数数组,以便addition of selected numbers will be my given number . 示例:我可能会要求获取数字数组,以便if i add all numbers it will be 100 .我试图以这种方式做到这一点,

function rendom_num ($array,$addition)
//here is the code
print_r (rendome_num ($numbers,100));

我无法在最近 3 天内使用代码!


$numbers = range(1, 20);
foreach ($numbers as $number) {
    echo "$number ";



$value= array("Rabin","Reid","Cris","KVJ","John");
echo "First random element = ".$value[$rand_keys[0]];
echo "<br>Second random element = ".$value[$rand_keys[1]];


function Randomizer($number = 100)
            // This just generates a 100 number array from 1 to 100
            for($i=1; $i <= 100; $i++) {
                    $array[]    =   $i;
            // Shuffles the above array (you may already have this array made so you would need to input into this function)
            // Assign 0 as base sum
            $sum    =   0;
            // Go through the array and add up values
            foreach($array as $value) {
                    // If the sum is not the input value and is also less, continue
                    if($sum !== $number && $sum < $number) {
                            // Check that the sum and value are not greater than the input
                            if(($sum + $value) <= $number) {
                                    // If not, then add
                                    $sum    += $value;
                                    $new[]  =   $value;
                    // Return the array when value hit
                        return $new;
            // If the loop goes through to the end without a successful addition
            // Try it all again until it does.
            if($sum !== $number)
                return Randomizer($number);
    // Initialize function
    $test   =   Randomizer(100);
    echo '<pre>';
    // Total (for testing)
    echo array_sum($test);
    // Array of random values
    echo '</pre>';