
How to select strings which don't have special characters or numbers

我有数千个字符串,我只想从中选择那些没有任何特殊字符的字符串。特殊字符包括 ;:~?[]()+-_*^%$#@><{}'|/ 和数字 0-9。所以基本上有效的句子是那些包含字母或带逗号的字母的句子。




1. She has the air of blank disdainful amusement a cat gets when toying with a mouse 
2. Origin Expand 1535-1545 1535-45; disdain + -ful Related forms Expand disdainfully, adverb disdainfulness, noun Synonyms Expand contemptuous, haughty, contumelious
3. British Dictionary definitions for disdainful Expand disdainful /dsdenfl/ adjective
4.An example of someone who is disdainful, is a person saying they dislike someone just because of their religion



if( $s does not have number an does not have special character)
//Save it


if (! preg_match('/[''0-9^£$%&*()}{@#~?><>|=_+¬-]/', $string))
    // No special characters or numbers found in this string.



$re = "/^[^;:~?''['']()+_*^%$#@><{}''|''/0-9-]+$/im";
$str = "She has the air of blank disdainful amusement a cat gets when toying with a mouse 'n'nOrigin Expand 1535-1545 1535-45; disdain + -ful Related forms Expand disdainfully, adverb disdainfulness, noun Synonyms Expand contemptuous, haughty, contumelious'n'nBritish Dictionary definitions for disdainful Expand disdainful /dsdenfl/ adjective'n'nAn example of someone who is disdainful, is a person saying they dislike someone just because of their religion";
preg_match_all($re, $str, $matches);






'h匹配水平空间。因此,^[a-zA-Z'h,]+$匹配具有一个或多个空格、字母或逗号的行。 'p{L}可以匹配任何语言的任何类型的字母。

if ( preg_match('~^[a-zA-Z'h,]+$~m', $string))
    // do here


使用范围:假设您只处理 ASCII 字符

if ( !preg_match('/[!-+--@[-`{-~]/', $str )) {
 // the string is allowed

或用于更广泛的用途:使用 POSIX 字符类

if ( !preg_match('/[^[:alpha:],[:space:]]/', $str )) {
 // the string is allowed
//your string variable:    
$string = "She has the air of blank disdainful amusement a cat gets when toying with a mouse 
Origin Expand 1535-1545 1535-45; disdain + -ful Related forms Expand disdainfully, adverb disdainfulness, noun Synonyms Expand contemptuous, haughty, contumelious
British Dictionary definitions for disdainful Expand disdainful /dsdenfl/ adjective
An example of someone who is disdainful, is a person saying they dislike someone just because of their religion";
//match function, and echo output    
preg_match_all('/^[a-z, ]+$/gmi', $string, $matches);
foreach($matches[0] as $found){
    echo $found . "'n"; //echoes sentences 1 and 4