
How can I easily combine two XML documents with the same parent node into one document?

>我已经决定没有办法用SimpleXMLElements做到这一点。我一直在阅读PHP DOMDocument手册,我认为我可以通过迭代来完成,但这似乎效率低下。有没有更好的方法不会发生在我身上?


// two DOMDocuments with same root element
$parent = new ...
$otherParent = new ...
$children = $parent->getElementByTagName('child');
foreach ($children as $child) {

为清楚起见,我有两个 XML 文档,它们都如下所示:

           {etc, more levels of nested XML trees possible}
           {etc, more levels possible}


  {all children of both original XML docs, order unimportant, that preserves any nested XML trees the children may have}



写的顺序并不重要,所以正如你在这里看到的,doc2 在 doc1 之后。包含上述示例 XML 表单的两个 SimpleXML 元素的示例代码$xml1$xml2

$doc1 = dom_import_simplexml($xml1)->ownerDocument;
foreach (dom_import_simplexml($xml2)->childNodes as $child) {
    $child = $doc1->importNode($child, TRUE);
    echo $doc1->saveXML($child), "'n";

现在$doc1包含由以下 XML 表示的文档:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
           {etc, more levels of nested XML trees possible}
           {etc, more levels possible}
           {etc, more levels of nested XML trees possible}
           {etc, more levels possible}
