Get PDO from PDOStatement

Get PDO from PDOStatement


$PDOStatement = $PDO->prepare($query);


目前,这是不可能的。即使PDOStatement的每个实例都存储了一个用于创建它的数据库句柄(引用PHP 5.6的lxr):

/* represents a prepared statement */
543 struct _pdo_stmt_t {
544    /* these items must appear in this order at the beginning of the
545       struct so that this can be cast as a zend_object.  we need this
546       to allow the extending class to escape all the custom handlers
547       that PDO declares.
548    */
549    zend_object std;
572    /* we want to keep the dbh alive while we live, so we own a reference */
573    zval database_object_handle;
574    pdo_dbh_t *dbh;



427 /* represents a connection to a database */
428 struct _pdo_dbh_t {
501    /* when calling PDO::query(), we need to keep the error
502     * context from the statement around until we next clear it.
503     * This will allow us to report the correct error message
504     * when PDO::query() fails */
505    pdo_stmt_t *query_stmt;