
separating an Eloquent Model from business logic



问题在于在实现这些接口时,例如使用 Eloquent 我将我的所有业务逻辑链接到 ORM 中。

例如,我想要一个addVariation Product模型的方法。


interface ProductInterface
     * Adds a variation
     * @param VariationInterface $variation
    public function addVariation(VariationInterface $variation);
    // ...


class Product extends Model 
     *  @param Collection | VariationInterface
    protected $variations;
    public function addVariation(VarientInterface $varient)
        if( ! $this->hasVariation($varient) ) 
        return $this;

遇到的问题是我的所有业务逻辑都存在于我的模型的特定 Eloquent ORM 实现中。




您只需要一个ORM即可更轻松地从数据库中保存和检索数据。你应该用普通的旧 php 对象编写所有业务逻辑。然后,您可以创建一些所有业务逻辑模型使用的通用PersistenceGateway接口,例如

interface PersistenceGatway {
   public function saveGatewayData($id, array $data);
   public function retrieveGatewayData($id)

分离的业务逻辑使用此接口来saveretrieve数据。然后你需要做的就是用你选择的ORM实现接口(或者你可能还需要创建一些适配器类来帮助你)。您现在可以插入任何您喜欢的 ORM,只要它实现了PersistenceGateway接口。



class SomeBusinessLogic {
   // Note: Class depends on the PersistenceGateway. Any class
   // that implements this interface can be passed in. This is
   // essentially how you decouple logic from ORMS. You can now 
   // implement this interface with any ORM you like and pass it in
   public __construct(PersistenceGateway $gateway){
      $this->gateway = $gateway;
   public function someLogicMethod($id){
      // do something and save state to the gateway
      $this->gateway->saveGatewayData($id, ['some_state'=>'value']);
   public function someDataReturnMethod($id){
      return $this->gateway->retrieveGatewayData($id);
// Im extending from Eloquent here, but you can do a similar thing
// with any ORM.
class SomeEloquentModel extends Eloquent implements PersistenceGateway {
   public function saveGatewayData($id, array $data){
       $model = $this->find($id);
       // call eloquent save method
   public function retrieveGatewayData($id){
       // retrieve the data. Important to return
       // an array NOT an eloquent model, otherwise
       // we are still coupled. I think toArray() is
       // the correct method to call on eloquent model
       return $this->find($id)->toArray();
class SomeController {
    class someControllerMethod {
       // Your controller decides on the implementation of PersistenGateway
       // to use. You could also use an IoC container which would be a slightly
       // cleaner solution
       $logic = new SomeBusinessLogic(new SomeEloquentModel());
       return $logic->someDataReturnMethod(Input::get('id'));