是否可以使用 JavaScript var i= [[“j.php?i=”+input]];发送到 PHP

is it possible to use javascript var i= [["j.php?i="+input]]; to send to php?

我是新手,只是在做我刚刚做的练习: var i= [["j.php?i=1"]];,它将值发送到php并打印,但是当我想要用户的一些输入时,它什么也不做。例如:

文件 J.js

var input = "hello";
var send= [["j.php?i="+input]];

在 j.php

echo $e;

任何想法或我完全错了?我试图有一些变化。我真的对window.location.href做到了.但我只是想知道如何以这种方式做 var send= [[]]。谢谢


var input = "hello";
var url   = "/j.php?i=" + input;
var send  = [[url]];




<!-- Here you give a unique id to your link -->
<a id="link" href="">your link</a>
    var i = "Hello";
    // wait for page to be loaded
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { 
      // change the href attribute of the link with the id equal to 'link'
      // with whatever data contained in the i variable
      // this is done after the page is loaded
      document.getElementById("link").href = "/j.php?i=" + i;

然后,当您单击链接时,它会将名为 i 的变量发送到您的 php 页面,其中包含Hello的值。


<a id="link2">your link</a>
    var i = "HELLO";
    // wait for page to be loaded
    document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { 
        // here we are telling javascript to change the url 
        // in the browser when the user clicks the link
        document.getElementById('link2').onclick = function() {
            window.location = '/j.php?i=' + i