PHP echo 结果按字母顺序排列

php echo results in alphabetical order


$files = (glob('{beauty,careers,education,entertainment,pets}/*.php', GLOB_BRACE)); 
    $selection = $files;
    $files = array();
    $keywords = $matches[1];
    foreach ($selection as $file) {    
    if (basename($file) == 'index.php') continue;
    if (basename($file) == 'error_log') continue;
    $files[] = $file;    
    foreach($files as $file) {
        $title = str_replace('-', ' ', pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME));
    $content = file_get_contents($file);
    if (!$content) {
        echo "error reading file $file<br>";
    else {
        preg_match("/keywords = '"(.*?)'"/i", $content, $matches);
        $keywords = $matches[1];
        $results .= '<li><a href="' . htmlentities($file, ENT_QUOTES) . '">'.$keywords.'</a></li>';    

使用 sort() 对关键字 array 进行排序:

$keywords = array();
// ...
$keywords[] = $matches[1];

>在$keywords上使用sort()。 有一些拼写错误和未使用的变量。 在所有文件都处理完毕之前,您不需要构建$results HTML,因此请将 $results = '' 移出处理文件的 foreach 循环,然后对关键字进行排序,然后构建$results。

$selection = (glob('{beauty,careers,education,entertainment,pets}/*.php', GLOB_BRACE)); 
$files = array();
// $keywords = $matches[1];
foreach ($selection as $file) {      
    if (basename($file) == 'index.php') continue;
    if (basename($file) == 'error_log') continue;
    $files[] = $file;      
foreach($files as $file) { 
    //$title = str_replace('-', ' ', pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_FILENAME));
    $content = file_get_contents($file);
    if (!$content) { 
        echo "error reading file $file<br>";
    else { 
        preg_match("/keywords = '"(.*?)'"/i", $content, $matches);
        $keywords[] = $matches[1];
$results = '';
sort($keywords); //comment this out to see the effects of the sort()
foreach($keywords as $_k) { 
    $results .= '<li><a href="' . htmlentities($file, ENT_QUOTES) . '">'.$_k.'</a></li>';      