在 PHP 中 如何从相同类型的值标记中正则表达式preg_match特定的 HTML 标记值

in PHP How to regex preg_match specific HTML tag value from same type value tags

in PHP 如何正则表达式preg_match来自相同类型和值标签的特定标签值。

这里有一些 html 标签,我想通过正则表达式preg_match从中获取最后一个标签值

<tr class="flow">
<td>14.1%</td> <== i want to fetch this last <td> tag value with regex, how ?
If I preg_match `'/<tr class="flow">(.*?)<'/td>/s'`; 
but then it will fetch first `<td>` tag value 
and if preg_match `'/<td>(.*?)<'/td>/s'`; 
then it will fetch all `<td>` tags values. 
So how I can fetch last `<td>` value?
I mean I want something like to `preg_match` in reverse mode 
like this `'/</tbody>(.*?)<'td>/s'`; or maybe anything else to do?

This is the small part of page and page contain 100's of other <td> tags
so you must have to do something preg_match with 
between </tbody> and <td> in reverse mode ...OR.. 
Between <tr class="flow">  </tbody> in forward mode. 


preg_match('|'<tr class="flow"'>(.*?)'</tr'>|s', $input_text, $match);
$filterd_input_text = $match[1];
preg_match_all('|'<td'>(.*?)'</td'>|', $filterd_input_text, $matches);
$value = end($matches[1]);

preg_match_all('|<td>(.*?)</td>.*</tbody>|s', $t, $matches);