具有多个多边形,并为其提供具有数据库中指定的 id 的不同弹出窗口

Having multiple polygons and giving them a different popup window with an id specified in a database


var length = <?php echo count($locations); ?>;
//Tel het aantal plaatsen in de array en zet deze via json in een javascript array
for ($i=0; $i < count($locations); $i++) {
    var counter = parseInt(<?php echo $i; ?>);
    title[counter] = <?php print json_encode($locations[$i]['Location']['title']); ?>;
    location_id[counter] = <?php print json_encode($locations[$i]['Location']['id']); ?>;
    address[counter] = <?php print json_encode($locations[$i]['Location']['address']); ?>;
    city[counter] = <?php print json_encode($locations[$i]['Location']['city']); ?>;
    coordinates[counter] = <?php print json_encode($polygon[$i]); ?>;

这些是我用来制作多边形等的功能。 很抱歉荷兰语评论,但我希望有人可以帮助我解决这个问题

onFeatureSelect: function(feature) {
    if (title != null) {
        if (html.length > 1) {
            selectedFeature = feature;
            popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud("Pop up",feature.geometry.getBounds().getCenterLonLat(),null,html[i],null, true, myLocations.onPopupClose);
            feature.popup = popup;
        } else {
            selectedFeature = feature;
            popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud("Pop up",feature.geometry.getBounds().getCenterLonLat(),null,html,null, true, myLocations.onPopupClose);
            feature.popup = popup;
 * Bouw de HTML string op voor de pop up window
buildHTML: function(element) {
    html = '<table>' +
            '<tr>' +
                '<td>Locatie:</td>' +
                '<td rowspan="3" style="padding-left: 10px;">' +
                    '<a href="/locations/edit/'+location_id+'" title="Bewerken" ><div class="icon edit"></div></a><br/>' +
                    '<a href="/locations/view/'+location_id+'" title="Details" ><div class="icon view"></div></a>' +
                '</td>' +
                '<td>'+address+'</td>' +
 * Gooi de HTML strings in een array als het er meer zijn
buildMultipleHTML: function(element) {
    html = new Array();
    for(i=0;i < title.length; i++) {
        html[i] = '<table>' +
            '<tr>' +
                '<td>Locatie:</td>' +
                '<td rowspan="3" style="padding-left: 10px;">' +
                    '<a href="/locations/edit/'+location_id[i]+'" title="Bewerken" ><div class="icon edit"></div></a><br/>' +
                    '<a href="/locations/view/'+location_id[i]+'" title="Details" ><div class="icon view"></div></a>' +
                '</td>' +
                '<td>'+address[i]+'</td>' +
 * Meerdere polygonen tekenen
drawMultiplePolygons: function(coordinates) {
    //Array site_points leegmaken
    site_points = new Array();
    for (j=0; j < coordinates.length; j++) {
        site_points[j] = new Array();
        for (i=0; i < coordinates[j][0].length; i++) {
            //Maak de punten aan met de OpenLayers, Geometry functie
            point = new OpenLayers.Geometry.Point(coordinates[j][1][i], coordinates[j][0][i]);
            //Zet de punten om in de projectie van openstreetmaps
                new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"),
                new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913")
            //Zet de punten in een array
        //Lineaire ring aanmaken met de OpenLayers functie
        linear_ring = new OpenLayers.Geometry.LinearRing(site_points[j]);
        //Polygoon aanmaken
        polygonFeature = new OpenLayers.Feature.Vector(new OpenLayers.Geometry.Polygon([linear_ring]), null);
        //Polygoonvector maken

这是 onFeatureSelect 函数中的修复:

var selectedFeature = myLayers.vector.selectedFeatures[0].clone();
                var identification;
                var i;
                var j;
                for (i = 0; i < tbMap.map.layers.length; i++) {
                    if (tbMap.map.layers[i].CLASS_NAME == "OpenLayers.Layer.Vector") {
                        for (j = 0; j < tbMap.map.layers[i].features.length; j++) {
                            if (selectedFeature.geometry.getBounds().bottom == tbMap.map.layers[i].features[j].geometry.bounds.bottom && selectedFeature.geometry.getBounds().top == tbMap.map.layers[i].features[j].geometry.bounds.top) {
                                identification = j;
                            } else {
                popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud("Pop up",selectedFeature.geometry.getBounds().getCenterLonLat(),null,html[identification],null, true, tbLocations.onPopupClose);
                selectedFeature.popup = popup;
            } else {
                var selectedFeature = myLayers.vector.selectedFeatures[0].clone();
                popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud("Pop up",selectedFeature.geometry.getBounds().getCenterLonLat(),null,html,null, true, tbLocations.onPopupClose);
                selectedFeature.popup = popup;