使用单个 php 表单将数据添加到两个表中

Adding data to two tables using a single php form

使用MySql和phpmyadmin,我有两个表personreport,它们使用字段person_id作为report表中的外键进行链接。使用一个 php 表单,我正在尝试将人员详细信息添加到person表中。使用相同的表单,我希望它将日期发布到report表中,然后生成一个自动递增report_id并使用person_id外键将该人与该日期的特定报告链接。


if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) {
    include('dbcon.php'); //link to connection file
    $pid = "SELECT person_id FROM person'n"
         . "ORDER BY person_id DESC'n"
         . "LIMIT 1"; //variable finds last generated person_id
    $sqlinsert1 = "INSERT INTO person (person.title, person.first_name, person.last_name,  person.address, person.contact_no, person.email, person.ha_id) VALUES ('$_POST[title]' , '$_POST[first_name]' , '$_POST[last_name]' , '$_POST[address]' , '$_POST[contact_no]' , '$_POST[email]' , '$_POST[ha_id]')";
    $sqlinsert2 = "INSERT INTO report (report.date) VALUES ('$_POST[date]') WHERE ($pid = report.person_id)";
    if (!mysqli_query($dbcon, $sqlinsert1)) {
        die('Error inserting record');
    } //end of nested if statement
    if (!mysqli_query($dbcon, $sqlinsert2)) {
        die('Error inserting record');
    } //end of nested if statement
    $newrecord = "new record added to database";
} //end of if statement



我认为错误是在 $_POST[日期] 中使用 ' 引号。 你的代码像下面这样..

插入人员后获取人员 ID。


$sqlinsert2 = "INSERT INTO report (report.pid,report.date) VALUES ('$pid',"$_POST['date']");//changed check it

然后,您的两个表将使用 PID(参考键)链接在一起。

在与我的讲师交谈并花了几个小时回显所有结果后,我们发现连接 sqli 语句 ('mysqli_query') 正在连接到服务器,但实际上并没有连接到数据库本身,因此不允许使用 select 语句从 person 表中提取person_id。

我们输入了一个标准的 sql 连接语句,并单独指定了数据库名称。现在这似乎有效,我从另一个表('defect_id')添加了另一个外键,并为缺陷表添加了另一个插入语句。我现在可以运行此代码并且工作正常。

            if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) {
            //insert statement 1    
        $sqlinsert1 = "INSERT INTO person (title, first_name, last_name, address, contact_no, email, ha_id) VALUES ('$_POST[title]' , '$_POST[first_name]' , '$_POST[last_name]' , '$_POST[address]' , '$_POST[contact_no]' , '$_POST[email]' , '$_POST[ha_id]')";
        if (!mysqli_query($dbcon, $sqlinsert1)) {
        die('Error inserting record1');
        } //end of nested if statement1

                    // connect to database      
$dbcon2 = mysql_connect('localhost' , 'root' , '' ); //mysqli query would not connect to db so using mysql connection
        if (!$dbcon2){
        die('error connecting to database');
$dbselect = @mysql_select_db('potholes_v2');
        if (!$dbselect){
        die('error connecting database');
                    //insert statement 2            
$sqlinsert2 = "INSERT INTO defect (road, location, carriageway, lane, diameter, depth, speed, description) VALUES ('$_POST[road]' , '$_POST[location]' , '$_POST[carriageway]' , '$_POST[lane]' , '$_POST[diameter]' , '$_POST[depth]' , '$_POST[speed]' , '$_POST[description]')";
        if (!mysqli_query($dbcon, $sqlinsert2)) {
        die('Error inserting record2');
        } //end of nested if statement1

mysql_close(); //close database connection

                   //connect to database
$dbcon2 = mysql_connect('localhost' , 'root' , '' ); //mysqli query would not connect to db so using mysql connection
        if (!$dbcon2){
        die('error connecting to host');
$dbselect = @mysql_select_db('potholes_v2');
        if (!$dbselect){
        die('error connecting database');
                    //select person_id value
$value = mysql_query("SELECT person_id FROM person ORDER BY person_id DESC" , $dbcon2); //selects last entry of person_id in person table
        if (!$value) {
        die ('error, no values'); //error if no value selected
$value2 = mysql_result($value,0); //specifies new value to be inserted into report table as person_id foreign key
                    //select defect_id value    
$defect = mysql_query("SELECT defect_id FROM defect ORDER BY defect_id DESC" , $dbcon2); //selects last defect_id entry from defect table
        if (!$defect) {
        die ('Error, no values for defect'); //error if no value selected
$defect2 = mysql_result($defect,0); //specifies new defect value to be placed in report table
                    //insert statement 3
$sqlinsert3 = "INSERT INTO report (date, person_id, defect_id) VALUES ('$_POST[date]' , $value2 , $defect2)"; //inserts date, person_id and defect_id values into report table
        if (!mysqli_query($dbcon, $sqlinsert3)) {
        die('Error inserting record 3');
        } //end of nested if statement1

mysql_close(); //close database connection  

$newrecord = "new record added to database";  //gives feedback for successful submission
}  //end of initial if statement