提交时未找到结果,并且为 empty()

No results found upon submitting and empty()


if ( empty($row_Recordset1) && isset($_POST['Submit']) ){
    echo "No results found";



你忘记写了很多代码......首先,我建议您在开头检查 $_POST['提交'],以便通过简单地打开 URL(直接将其写入浏览器地址栏中或点击上一页的链接)或单击表单按钮来了解页面是否已加载:

if (isset($_POST['Submit'])){
   // someone submitted the form
   // so, here you must check if results are available according to the submitted data
   //here all the necessary code to open a database connection, perform a mysql query  and save the results in $row_Recordset1
   //then you can check if the query returned no results
   if (empty($row_Recordset1) {
      echo "No results found"; 
   else {
      // the code to print results here
else {
   // no one submitted the form
   // so, here you should put the code to draw your html form