当我通过 $_POST 将隐藏输入发送到 PHP 时,我丢失了隐藏输入中的数据

I am losing data from a hidden input when I send it to PHP via $_POST?


function setSelectedArray(){
        var ticketInfo = new Array();   //creates new array for later
        var num=0;                      //num accumulates the number of the next row
        for(var i=0;i<hlRows.length;i++){
            if(hlRows[i]){  //hlRows is an array with boolean values telling me
                            //which dataArray values to set ticketInfo to
                ticketInfo[num] = dataArray[i];
                //dataArray is a pre-defined array and contains a large amount of data
                //ticketInfo is a smaller array that is gathering all data specified from hlRows
        //line below sets 'tix'(hidden input field).value to the JSON version of ticketInfo
        document.getElementsByName('tix').value = (JSON.stringify(ticketInfo));
        //At this point, my alert below displays everything I want to see.
        //It looks like correct JSON to me
        alert("The VALUE of 'tix' is: "+document.getElementsByName('tix').value);
        //this submits the form that the hidden field is inside of.
        //it wouldn't go to the next page(which it does) without
        //this calling the form's action attribute correctly (i think..)

如果您需要更多描述,可以阅读我的评论。以下是该过程的 HTML 部分:

<!-- This button, when clicked, calls the setSelectedArray() function -->
<input class="button" type="button" id="btnContact" value="Select Tickets" onclick="setSelectedArray()" style="width:20em;float:right;"/>
<form id="hiddenForm" action="email.php" method="post">
    <input type="hidden" name="tix" value=""/> <!-- I tried this with no value specified too -->


    $jsArray = json_decode($_POST['tix']);

我从电子邮件中得到的唯一输出.php是"NULL"(警报中不是 2 秒前)或"数组"。否则,它什么也没说,我只是得到一个空屏幕。我在这里做错了什么?是否需要使用 AJAX 来发布数据?我觉得这样不对。


document.getElementsByName('tix')[0].value = (JSON.stringify(ticketInfo));
alert("The VALUE of 'tix' is: "+document.getElementsByName('tix')[0].value);