PHP 中的仆人模式示例

Examples of servant pattern in PHP?




// Servant.
interface Servant
// Servable.
interface Servable
// Concrete Servable.
class ConcreteServable implements Servable
    private $position;
    public function setPosition($position)
        $this->position = $position . '<br/>';
    public function getPosition()
        return $this->position;
// Concrete Servant.
class ConcreteServant implements Servant
    // Method, which will move Servable implementing class to position where.
    public function moveTo(Servable $Servable, $arg) 
        // Do some other stuff to ensure it moves smoothly and nicely, this is
        // the place to offer the functionality.
$ConcreteServable = new ConcreteServable();
$ConcreteServant = new ConcreteServant();
$ConcreteServant->moveTo($ConcreteServable, 10);
echo $ConcreteServable->getPosition(); // 10

但不确定我是否正确。 有什么想法吗?

Servant 模式不像 PHP 中的其他模式那样被注意到,但这是由于经常发生在服务中。这不是一个反模式




class Position {
    /** @var int  */
    public $x = 0;
    /** @var int  */
    public $y = 0;
interface PositionedInterface {
    public function getPosition(): Position;
    public function setPosition(Position $position): void;
class MoveServant {
    public static function moveTo(PositionedInterface $positioned, int $xMoveTo, int $yMoveTo): void
        /** @var Position $newPosition */
        $newPosition = new Position;
        $newPosition->x = $xMoveTo;
        $newPosition->y = $yMoveTo;
    public static function moveBy(PositionedInterface $positioned, int $xMoveBy, int $yMoveBy): void
        /** @var Position $startPosition */
        $oldPosition = $positioned->getPosition();
        /** @var Position $newPosition */
        $newPosition = new Position;
        $newPosition->x = $oldPosition->x + $xMoveBy;
        $newPosition->y = $oldPosition->y + $yMoveBy;
class Triangle implements PositionedInterface
    /** @var Position */
    private $position;
    function __construct()
        $this->position = new Position();
     * @return Position
    public function getPosition(): Position
        return $this->position;
     * @param Position $position
    public function setPosition(Position $position): void
        $this->position = $position;
// Only fully typed out instead of extended to match example from link in question 
class Ellipse implements PositionedInterface
    /** @var Position */
    private $position;
    function __construct()
        $this->position = new Position();
     * @return Position
    public function getPosition(): Position
        return $this->position;
     * @param Position $position
    public function setPosition(Position $position): void
        $this->position = $position;
// Only fully typed out instead of extended to match example from link in question 
class Rectangle implements PositionedInterface
    /** @var Position */
    private $position;
    function __construct()
        $this->position = new Position();
     * @return Position
    public function getPosition(): Position
        return $this->position;
     * @param Position $position
    public function setPosition(Position $position): void
        $this->position = $position;


$myTriangle = new Triangle();
// $myRectangle->getPosition()->x = 0
// $myRectangle->getPosition()->y = 0
MoveServant::moveBy($myTriangle, 15, 30);
// $myTriangle->getPosition()->x = 15
// $myTriangle->getPosition()->y = 30
$myEllipse = new Ellipse();
// $myRectangle->getPosition()->x = 0
// $myRectangle->getPosition()->y = 0
MoveServant::moveBy($myEllipse, 20, 100);
// $myEllipse->getPosition()->x = 20
// $myEllipse->getPosition()->y = 100
MoveServant::moveBy($myEllipse, -18, -85);
// $myEllipse->getPosition()->x = 2
// $myEllipse->getPosition()->y = 15
$myRectangle = new Rectangle();
// $myRectangle->getPosition()->x = 0
// $myRectangle->getPosition()->y = 0
MoveServant::moveTo($myRectangle, 10, 20);
// $myRectangle->getPosition()->x = 10
// $myRectangle->getPosition()->y = 20
MoveServant::moveBy($myRectangle, 20, 10);
// $myRectangle->getPosition()->x = 30
// $myRectangle->getPosition()->y = 30