使用 FPDF 和 PHP 水平对齐多个图像

Align multiple Images Horizontally with FPDF and PHP

我正在从mysql数据库中检索我的图像并使用 FPDF.My 打印到我的PDF,问题是我希望我的MemImages从左到右在一行中,而不是彼此下方,以节省打印时的空间。你能帮忙吗,提前谢谢你。我的代码如下。

$resultImage = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM DBImage WHERE projectSectionId = '$projectSectionId' AND userId = '$userId' AND date = '$date' AND time = '$time'");
while($runImage = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultImage))
$image = $runImage['image'];
 } else {


$resultImage = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM DBImage WHERE projectSectionId =     '$projectSectionId' AND userId = '$userId' AND date = '$date' AND time = '$time'");
while($runImage = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultImage))
$array[] =$runImage;
$image = $runImage['image'];
$image_height = 45;
$image_width = 60;
//get current X and Y
$start_x = $pdf->GetX();
$start_y = $pdf->GetY();
// place image and move cursor to proper place. "+ 2" added for buffer
 $pdf->MemImage($runImage['image'],$pdf->GetX(), $pdf->GetY(),$image_width,$image_height);
 $pdf->SetXY($start_x + $image_width + 2, $start_y);