Wordpress url to html

Wordpress url to html

我正在尝试以干净的方式ajaxize wordpress。这个想法是这样的:

  1. Ajax 请求是从客户端到 ajax 操作 url 发出的(例如 /wp/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php?action=my_plugin_fetch_page&page=http://example.com/about )。
  2. 该请求的响应应采用 JSON 格式,并包含最少的页面标题和页面内容(相当于 http://example.com/about )。


我试过使用wp_remote_get.所以我只是从服务器向 url http://example.com/about发出另一个请求。这有效,但它很慢(将请求减慢约 2 秒)。

我尝试使用url_to_postid,它将网址转换为post_id。不幸的是,这不适用于存档页面,无论如何都可能毫无用处,因为我需要来自 url http://example.com/about 的完整响应正文,而不仅仅是等效页面的 id。


function my_plugin_fetch_page () {
     * Getting url of target page from GET parameters
    $url = $_GET['page'];
    $title = '';
    $content = '';
     * Url must be set in request parameters and it must be internal link
    if ( $url && my_plugin_is_internal_page( $url ) ) {
         * Format relative urls to absolute urls.
         * test/example -> http://example.com/test/example
        $url = nolife_single_format_url( $url );
         * Make GET request.
        $page_response = wp_remote_get( $url, array(
            'user-agent'  => 'InternalRequester'
        ) );
        if ( ! is_wp_error( $page_response ) ) {
             * Response contains title and page content seperated by some
             * seperator. By splitting response from that seperator, we
             * get title and contents of page in seperate values.
            $content_parts = explode( MY_PLUGIN_SEPERATOR, wp_remote_retrieve_body( $page_response ) );
            // title comes first
            $title = $content_parts[0];
            // then content of page
            $content = $content_parts[1];
    wp_send_json( array(
        'url'      => $url,
        'title'    => $title,
        'content'  => $content
    ) );



$term = "maybe_a_term";
$taxonomies = get_taxonomies(['show_ui' => true]);
$term_exists = array_reduce($taxonomies, function($carry, $item) use ($term) {
  return $carry || get_term_by('slug', $term, $item);
}, false);


注意:争论['show_ui' => true]隐藏了内部分类法,如post_formatnav_menu
